FOUR: Kaide's Betrayal

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After what seemed like an eternity of charged silence and unwavering eye contact with the ginger-haired Lorenzo, Eret's speech finally came to an end, the king's booming voice echoing through the ballroom.

"That's all and all, people. Have a good evening and enjoy the ball!" he declared, and the band immediately began playing a lively ballroom melody, prompting a few guests to take to the dance floor.

To your surprise, Lorenzo rose from his seat, approaching you and offering his hand in a slight bow.

"May I have this dance with you, Lady Ivy?" he asked, his golden eyes meeting your (e/c) orbs.

Hesitantly, you placed your hand atop his, interlocking your fingers. "Yes, you may," you replied, your voice betraying a hint of your trepidation.

With that, the two of you stepped onto the dance floor, Lorenzo's firm grip on your waist as he led you in a graceful waltz. The music swelled around you, and you found yourself captivated by the intensity of his gaze, your knees threatening to buckle beneath you as his warm, sun-kissed eyes bore into your own.

A small, almost imperceptible curve played at the corners of his lips, and you felt your heart skip a beat at the sight. The dance seemed to last an eternity, your steps quickening as the music shifted to a more lively tempo, and you struggled to keep up, your dress and heels hindering your movements.

Lorenzo, seemingly aware of your discomfort, adjusted his stance, making it easier for you to follow his lead. His grip on your hand tightened, and you couldn't help but feel a flutter in your chest at the gesture, despite your better judgment.

As the two of you moved in sync, your bodies drawing closer, the world around you seemed to fade away. The sound of the music slowed, the lights dimming, and for a fleeting moment, it felt as if the two of you were the only ones in the room.

The final spin came to an end, and the two of you remained locked in that position, neither willing to break the connection. Finally, Lorenzo released his hold, the silence between you palpable.


Lorenzo Hellbringer

Status: Strangers
Attraction scale: 5%


As you watched Lorenzo's figure, you couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion and trepidation wash over you. The man you had been warned was a heartless tyrant had just shared a surprisingly intimate moment with you, and the notification on your screen indicated a small, yet significant, increase in his attraction level.

What did this mean, and where did you stand with the enigmatic assassin? More importantly, how would this affect the delicate balance of your mission and your own survival?


Hidden mission completed!

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