SEVEN: Mary Narvia

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Consciousness returns to you in fragments, a dull ache throbbing at the back of your skull. You peel open your eyes, the world a blur of shadows and shapes that slowly coalesce into the interior of a hut—a witch's hut, judging by the peculiar jars and arcane symbols that clutter the space. You push yourself up, the bed creaking under your weight, and your heart hammers against your ribs as panic sets in. This place, these things... you don't recognize any of it.

The door groans open, and a figure steps through—a woman with long, wavy brunette hair and deep brown eyes that seem to hold galaxies within them. She's wild in appearance, her clothes a tapestry of nature's untamed essence, and her presence fills the room with an energy that's both comforting and terrifying.

"Ah! you're awake," she says, her voice a melody that dances between sanity and madness. "I've been waiting for you to rise, (Y/N) (L/N)."

You freeze, the name she utters is yours, but how does she know it? Your mind races, trying to place her face, but it's like grasping at smoke—there's nothing there.

"I... I don't understand. Who are you?" you stammer, clutching the sheets to steady your shaking hands.

She chuckles, a sound that echoes around the hut, "Oh, my dear, I'm many things, but today, I'm your savior. And you," she points a slender finger at you, "you've been taking care of my Thomas."



The name sparks a memory, Thomas Narvia. The stubborn little boy that wouldn't listen to a word you say. And the same little boy that got you into all this trouble. You know him, sure, but this woman, his mother?

"I know Thomas, but I don't know you," you reply, your voice laced with suspicion.

The woman's smile doesn't falter as she begins to pace the room, her hands trailing over the objects that line the walls. "That's the way of the world, isn't it? We know the child but never the mother! But that's not important now," she stops, turning to face you with an intensity that makes you shrink back. "What's important is the warning I have for you."

A warning?

Your mind reels with the possibilities, each more frightening than the last. "What warning?" you ask, a sense of dread settling in your stomach.

She leans in close, her breath a whisper against your ear, "Beware of the wolf," she says, and the weight of those words feels like a premonition, a dark cloud on the horizon of your fate.

The woman steps back, her brown eyes never leaving yours, and you're left with a chill that seeps into your bones.

Beware of the wolf... but what does it mean?

The question hangs in the air, unanswered, as the woman fades into the shadows of the hut, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the lingering scent of wildflowers and danger.

The silence of the hut is broken by a soft, rhythmic tapping—a sound that grows steadily louder until it's accompanied by a low, throaty growl. You turn towards the door just as it bursts open, revealing Onin, his tanned silhouette framed by the bright light of the outside world. Beside him stands Luna, his loyal wolf, her fur a silvery sheen against the daylight.

Onin's golden eyes meet yours, a mix of relief and urgency swirling within them. "You're finally awake," he says, stepping into the hut, Luna close at his heels. "We were worried about you."

You try to speak, but the words catch in your throat, the events that led you here still a jumbled mess in your mind. "What... what happened?" you manage to croak out.

He moves closer, pulling a chair to your bedside. "After Regulus defeated you, I brought you here," he explains, his voice steady and calm. "Miss Mary Narvia," he gestures towards the woman who had warned you earlier, "agreed to help."

Mary Narvia... the name clicks into place, a missing piece of a puzzle you didn't know you were assembling. Thomas's last name. The realization sends a shiver down your spine.

"Why am I here?" you ask, your gaze shifting between Onin and the witch.

Onin's expression hardens, his jaw setting in determination. "To prepare," he says. "Mary is going to help you make potions. Potions that will give you the strength you need to face Regulus again."

"And his claws?" you inquire, the mention of the royal assassin title igniting a fire within you.

"Yes," Onin confirms, "his claws are the key. With them, you can claim the title of royal assassin. It's what you've been training for, isn't it?"

You nod, the weight of your destiny settling on your shoulders. "But why would she help me?" you ask, turning to Mary.

She smiles, a knowing glint in her eyes. "Because, my dear, I see great things in your future. And because you've shown kindness to my son," she replies, her gaze unwavering.

The conversation continues, Onin and Mary filling in the gaps of your memory, explaining the intricacies of potion-making, and the dangers that lie ahead. With each word, you feel a growing sense of purpose. You will face Regulus again. And this time, you will be ready. Luna watches silently, her eyes reflecting a wisdom beyond her years, as if she too understands the gravity of the path you're about to walk.

As the sun dips below the horizon, casting long shadows across the hut, you rise from the bed. Your body feels stronger, your mind clearer. You're ready to begin your training, to learn the secrets of the potions that will boost your abilities. And as the night falls, you start your journey towards a destiny that's been waiting for you all along.



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