TWELVE: Lorenzo Hellbringer

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The night was dark and stormy in the peaceful village of Shiva, nestled within the vast empire of Ervansia. The rain poured down relentlessly, and the thunder roared in the heavens above. In a cozy cottage, Carlos and Maria, a childless couple, slept soundly, their love for each other the only light in their lives.

Suddenly, a loud knock at the door shattered the tranquility of the night. Startled awake, the couple rose from their bed, wondering who could be seeking their aid at such an hour. As they opened the door, they found a basket resting on their doorstep, a sleeping baby boy wrapped snugly in a blanket.

Attached to the blanket was a note, its words etching themselves into the hearts of the bewildered couple. "Please take care of my son," it read. "You can have the pleasure of naming him. But please take note, he is special, and he needs your love. I cannot keep him with me, for his safety and mine. I hope you will accept him as your own. He is a gift from the gods."

Carlos and Maria stood in stunned silence, their gaze fixed upon the child before them. The baby's features were unlike anything they had ever seen – orange hair, gold eyes, pointy teeth, and pointed ears. He was a sight straight out of a fairy tale, and they wondered about his origins and the reasons behind his abandonment.

Yet, as they looked upon the sleeping infant, a surge of love and compassion washed over them. They cared not for his peculiar appearance or his mysterious background. In that moment, they saw him as a blessing, a miracle, a child to call their own. Without hesitation, they brought the basket inside, placing the baby in a cozy crib.

"Thank the gods for sending you to us," Maria whispered, her voice filled with wonder and gratitude. Carlos nodded in agreement, a smile spreading across his face.

"Then we shall name you Lorenzo," he declared, the name rolling off his tongue with a sense of purpose and pride.


Lorenzo, or Enzo as he preferred to be called, was a child unlike any other in his village. With his ginger hair, gold eyes, pointy ears, and sharp teeth, he stood out among his peers, a curious anomaly that set him apart from the rest. Yet, despite his unusual appearance, Enzo knew nothing of his origins or the reasons behind his unique features.

What he did know, however, was the unconditional love and acceptance he received from his adoptive parents, Maria and Carlos. This childless couple had welcomed him into their lives with open arms, treating him with the same kindness and affection they would have shown their own flesh and blood. They were proud of their son, marveling at his intelligence and creativity, and seeing him as a true blessing.

But the other villagers did not share their sentiment. Whispers and stares followed Enzo wherever he went, and he was subjected to a barrage of cruel nicknames – "monster," "freak," and "demon" among them. The villagers blamed him for every misfortune that befell their community, from poor crop yields to outbreaks of sickness. They claimed he was cursed, a harbinger of doom who would bring ruin to them all. Some even went so far as to criticize Maria and Carlos, accusing them of being foolish and wicked for adopting such a child.

Enzo tried his best to ignore the taunts and the glares, but it was a constant battle. He had no friends to turn to, save for a stray dog he had named Spot, and he often found solace in the pages of books or in the simple tasks he helped his parents with around their home. Deep down, he yearned to fit in, to be accepted by the others, and he couldn't help but wonder if there were others like him in the world.

As the years passed, Enzo grew more and more withdrawn, his unique appearance and the villagers' prejudice weighing heavily on his young shoulders. But through it all, he remained steadfast in his love for his parents, who continued to shower him with the affection and support he so desperately needed. And though the path ahead was uncertain, Enzo held onto the hope that one day, he might find his place in the world, and perhaps even uncover the truth of his own origins.

Survival (Yandere Boys X Female Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora