FIFTEEN: Born To Be Brothers, Forced To Be Rivals

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Enzo's gaze was fixed on the enigmatic entity before him, his heart pounding with a mixture of trepidation and intrigue. The weight of the decision he was about to make hung heavy in the air, the consequences of his choice reverberating through the very fabric of his existence.

"I... I am yours, and you are mine, and we are one," Enzo uttered, the words tumbling from his lips with a sense of finality.

The entity's lips curled into a satisfied smile, his approval evident in the gleam of his eyes. "Good, good, good," he purred. "You have made the right choice, child. You have made me proud. Come with me, and I will show you our destiny."

Without hesitation, Enzo followed the dark lord, his mind numb to the horrors that had unfolded around him. The burning village, the bloodied bodies, the loss of his parents – all of it faded into the background as he surrendered himself to the entity's guidance.

As they traversed the dark woods, Enzo's thoughts drifted to the recent events that had shattered his world. The senseless violence, the cruelty of the Ervanszian invaders – it had all been too much to bear. And now, faced with the prospect of a new path, a new purpose, he found himself clinging to the promise of power and purpose that the entity offered.

When they reached a cozy cabin, Enzo felt a pang of hesitation, a sense of unease creeping up his spine. But the entity's firm hand at his back propelled him forward, and he stepped over the threshold, his eyes scanning the unfamiliar surroundings.

"Welcome to your new home, boy," the lord said, his voice dripping with a cruel amusement. "This is where you will learn to be a killer!"

Enzo's gaze swept across the cabin, taking in the weapons, books, and maps that adorned the space. The fireplace, the bed, the table of food – it all seemed so inviting, yet the underlying sense of danger was palpable.

"Why are you doing this?" Enzo asked, his voice tinged with a mixture of confusion and trepidation. "Why did you kill my family and take me here?"

Lord Tazarelleo's laughter echoed through the cabin, the sound sending a chill down Enzo's spine. "You are a special boy, Enzo," he proclaimed. "You have a gift that I need. You have the blood of a dark Earl in your veins."

Enzo's brow furrowed, his mind racing with a thousand questions. "What do you want from me?" he pressed, his curiosity warring with his apprehension.

"I want you to be my weapon," the entity replied, his eyes gleaming with ambition. "I want you to help me conquer this empire and destroy anyone who opposes me. I want you to be the greatest royal assassin the world has ever seen."

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