ELEVEN: Veritas Paper

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Your heart pounded with a mixture of fear and worry as you scanned the dense forest, searching for any sign of Thomas and Toby. William, your usual guide, was not with you today, leaving you to navigate the unfamiliar terrain alone. You had been combing the area for hours, following their tracks and calling out their names, but there was no response, no indication of their whereabouts.

A pang of concern gripped your chest as you pressed on, determined to find them before nightfall. The trees grew thicker, and the air grew cooler, as you ventured deeper into the forest. The sound of flowing water caught your attention, and you hoped that perhaps they had gone to the nearby river to quench their thirst or wash up.

Following the sound, you reached the riverbank, only to realize that you had strayed from the trail, leaving you disoriented and lost. You scanned your surroundings, searching for any familiar landmarks, but everything looked the same. A surge of panic washed over you as the realization of your predicament sank in.

Forcing yourself to remain calm, you considered your options. You could follow the river, hoping it would lead you to a road or a village, but the thought of the potential dangers – fast-moving currents or deep waters – made you hesitant to take that risk. Instead, you decided to seek out a safe place to rest and gather your thoughts.

Your eyes landed on a small clearing on the opposite side of the river, where the grass was lush and the flowers were in bloom. Carefully crossing the river, you reached the tranquil spot, feeling a sense of relief and peace wash over you.

You settled down on the grass, allowing the warmth of the sun and the gentle breeze to caress your skin. The soothing sound of the river and the captivating fragrance of the flowers enveloped you, and you found yourself overcome with a wave of gratitude for the beauty of nature.

As you sat there, a glimmer of hope began to stir within you. Perhaps this moment of respite was a sign, a gift from the universe, reminding you that you were not alone and that everything would be alright. Maybe this was a chance to appreciate the wonders of the world and find the strength to continue your journey.

You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath and allowing your mind to drift into a state of meditation. You opened your heart, feeling the love and light that surrounded you, and you offered a silent prayer, asking for guidance and protection, not only for yourself but for Thomas and Toby as well. In this moment of tranquility, you found solace, knowing that you would find a way to escape this game and return home, reunited with your friends.

A deep, masculine voice suddenly interrupted the tranquility of your solitary respite. "What are you doing in my spot?"

Turning your head, you found yourself face-to-face with Lorenzo, his expression a mix of boredom and annoyance. You remained silent, your gaze fixated on his features, taking in the details.

With a roll of his eyes, Lorenzo let out a sigh and jumped down from the tree, settling himself beside you, his legs crossed. "I guess if you're not going to talk, I'll just sit here," he muttered, pulling out a sword and a cloth, and proceeding to polish the blade.

Mustering your courage, you finally spoke up. "Lorenzo, I'm sorry about your tooth. It was a front tooth, wasn't it? I'm so sorry if it made you look less good-looking now that it's gone."

Lorenzo hummed in response, then opened his mouth, revealing a set of pristine, pointed teeth. "What do you mean? Look, it's already regrown," he said, a hint of pride in his voice.

Your eyes widened in surprise. How could a permanent tooth have regrown so quickly? Sensing your unspoken questions, Lorenzo continued, "It's a trait of mine. I'm not quite... human."

"What are you then?" you asked, unable to contain your curiosity.

Lorenzo's expression hardened, and he replied bluntly, "What I am is none of your business."

You fell silent, unsure of how to respond to his guarded demeanor. The air between you grew thick with tension, as you both sat in the clearing, the sound of the river and the rustling of the leaves the only accompaniment to the awkward silence.

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