SEVEN: Eretrillius Svannigan Vangiance

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You've been standing near Eret's door for a while now. William still hasn't come back. Your hesitation on wether you should stay here like he says, or leave since your clearly not welcome here. As you where about to leave you hear a shout coming out of Eret's door. As badly as you wanted to leave your curiosity got the best of you, you stayed and listened to two people audibly arguing...

"I told you Azalea, it's no use! At this point I'll never have that crown! My eighteenth birthday was three days ago but Phil hasn't given me the throne yet! It belongs to me!" He rants. "I'm a Vangiance, a pure-blooded one for the matter. I'm the rightful heir not anyone else!"

"Darling, you should calm down. What if your the one who's in Phil's mind that his going to give the crown to," a female voice speaks up, you didn't recognize who it belongs to thought.

"No! Phil is insane! What does he mean by saying that I'm too shallow, and that I'll never be like Lorenzo or William. He's actually considering to give the crow to those peasants! Lorenzo was an orphan before Phil took him in! And William was nothing but a commoner! I'm the son of Galeleo Vangiance, he was the emperor before! I have all rights to the throne, nobody else! It's mine, by name, and by blood.  I'm Eretrilius Slannigan Vangiance, I had that crown before I will have it again-"

"Whatchu doing?" William's voice snapped you out of your eavesdropping, and you turned to face him, your expression sheepish.

"I, uh, I didn't hear anything," you lied, your voice betraying your unease.

William's smile widened, and he closed the distance between you, his piercing blue eyes boring into your (e/c) orbs. "Oh, I think you heard quite a lot, sweetheart," he purred. "And I have a feeling that what you've learned could be... very useful."

You swallowed hard, your mind racing as you tried to formulate a response. "William, it's been a pleasant night with you, really. But I think I've had enough, and I should go to bed."

"I'll take you there," he offered, his tone laced with a hint of possessiveness. "After all, you're still not familiar with the castle's corridors. You could get lost, so it's better to have me around."

You nodded, not having the energy to argue. You let him escort you to the maids' quarters, and as he left, you found yourself wondering about his strange behavior. Ever since his attraction score had risen, he had become more possessive, and you couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease.

'I should stay away from him,' you thought to yourself. 'He could bring me harm in the long run...'

With that, you retired for the night, your mind still reeling from the revelations you had overheard about Eret and the crown. The weight of your newfound responsibilities and the tangled web of secrets and power struggles within the castle walls threatened to overwhelm you, but you steeled your resolve, determined to navigate this treacherous landscape with caution and vigilance.

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