FIVE: Royal Judgement

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Smoke. Thick, choking smoke filled the air, making every breath a struggle. You limped through the burning castle, your eyes watering from the irritation, your lungs burning with each desperate gasp.

You couldn't believe that Kaide had betrayed you so cruelly. If you had known, you would have preferred a swift death by his hand rather than this slow, agonizing demise. Perhaps you deserved this, a cruel twist of fate in a world that cared little for the lives it consumed.

As you pressed on, your vision blurred, and you swore you saw a smaller figure up ahead. Crouching, you made your way towards the form, stopping just a few meters away. To your relief, it was a young boy, no more than twelve years old, passed out on the floor.

A faint cracking sound drew your gaze upwards, and your heart sank as you saw a burning chandelier hurtling towards the unconscious child. In that moment, time seemed to freeze, and you were faced with a choice – to save yourself and flee, or to risk your own life to protect the boy.

Knowing that your life was already forfeit, you made your decision. This could be your chance at redemption, a final act of heroism that might just earn you a second chance at life, should the gods have mercy.

Without hesitation, you rushed towards the boy, wrapping your arms around his small, skinny form, shielding him with your own body. You didn't even feel the impact of the chandelier as it crashed down, for the darkness had already claimed you, your final thoughts a desperate wish to be reborn, to experience the world once more with your loved ones by your side.

As the flames continued to rage, consuming the castle and all within, the young boy remained safe, cradled in your lifeless embrace. Perhaps, in the end, your sacrifice would not be in vain, and the gods would indeed grant you the chance to live anew, to right the wrongs of your past and find the redemption you so desperately sought.

The future remained shrouded in uncertainty, but in those final, fleeting moments, you had found the strength to make the ultimate sacrifice, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of overwhelming adversity.


Jolting awake, you found yourself in a state of disorientation, your body restrained to a bed by tight bindings. Panic surged through you as you struggled to piece together the events of the previous night – the dance, Kaide's betrayal, the fire that had engulfed the castle.

Before you could fully process your situation, the sound of approaching footsteps drew your attention. Guards in full suits of armor approached your cage, opening the door and quickly blindfolding and gagging you. Dragging you by the chain that bound your wrists, they led you through a series of twists and turns, your bare feet hitting the cold, hard ground as your tattered dress offered little protection.

The procession finally came to a halt, and the blindfold and gag were removed, revealing that you were now standing in the center of a grand, ornate courtroom. All eyes were upon you, the jury of royals seated at their oak tables, and at the head of the chamber, the imposing figure of the king himself.

To the king's right sat the young boy you had saved from the falling chandelier, and to his left, another young boy with chocolate-colored eyes and brown hair.

"Silence in the court!" the king's booming voice commanded, silencing the murmurs that had filled the air. "Welcome to all of you, my fellow royals of Las Ventas. Today, we are gathered here for the trial of (Y/N) (L/N), who is an accomplice of Kaide Ledger – a royal assassin of Ervanszia, Las Ventas' number one enemy – in stealing the magical orb."

Your heart sank as the king continued, outlining the potential punishments that could be meted out, ranging from torture to beheading.

"According to the law, she must be killed for helping out a sworn enemy. But also according to another law, she must be spared, for she has saved the life of one of my nephews, Thomas Narvia."

The courtroom erupted in a cacophony of dissenting voices, each royal vying for your ultimate demise. Some demanded your torture, while others simply called for your execution.

"SILENCE!" the king bellowed, silencing the room. "I am your emperor, and this is my land. I am the orb's guardian, and I know what is best for my empire. I have already made a decision in this matter. Your fate, (Y/N) (L/N), will be decided by my nephews."

As the king's words echoed through the chamber, you felt your heart sink. Your life now rested in the hands of these two young boys, and you could only wonder what twisted fate awaited you. Would they show you mercy, or would they condemn you to a fate worse than death?

The uncertainty weighed heavily upon you, and you found yourself wishing, once again, that the ground would simply open up and swallow you whole. But alas, the cruel world seemed intent on prolonging your suffering, dangling the possibility of salvation before you, even as the noose of your demise tightened around your neck.

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