Chapter 41: Leech Alert

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And I know just what to code for Reaper. I unwrap the box as my strings lower it into my hands. I open it up, starting to code the ring. Then I get a code screen alert. I tap it, seeing it open up to show Shattered closing in on Shino as she admires the sky beside Palette as they paint together. Neither of them are wearing the gifts I coded for them.


I pull him through with my strings but one of his tentacles still manages to slash Palette across his back before I tied it up. I shut the portal and tie him down with a frown.

"Aww, still think you can protect them?"He coos

"KeEp yOuR sliMy tEntAcLeS oFf tHeM."I growl

"Oh relax, I wasn't going to hurt them. You're far too attached to them for me to do that. I know my limits. I was just going to trade them for the bitchy brat that trapped me in a plant for months!"He says

"NoT hApPeNiNg."I say, tying him down more.

He only grins as I open his code for his soul.

"You need to learn a lesson about attachment."

Then I feel an electric shock run up my spine, consuming my entire body as error signs fill my vision.

"Looks like I sold you to the right ally. Now I can continue my real plan. They all will fear me and lose their dreams."I hear Shattered say before I crash

Meanwhile, with Palette

Shino carries Palette into the castle as tentacles grow where he was struck and he trembles, trying to stay in control. She calls for help and Killer quickly takes Palette from her, understanding what it's like to deal with soul corruption. He takes Palette away to care for him and teach him control. Nightmare slips out of the shadows over to Shino.

"Who did this to my nephew?"He asks

"Shattered obviously. I saw his tentacles strike Palette. Palette says that this isn't the first time either since before Lovespoon trapped that jerk, he was Shattered's personal experiment. Palette says that Shattered wants to corrupt him until he's the best weaponized underling against everyone. He's the corrupted version of positivity so why not have the corrupted son of positivity is his logic. But Palette won't let that happen and now he's suffering because of it. Shouldn't you be with Palette to help him? Surely you'd have the most useful knowledge since you used to corrupt Uncle Killer's soul on a regular basis."She explains

"Shattered isn't supposed to be free."He says

"No duh. Papa would never free him so he must've found a way out somehow. Now how about instead of stating the obvious you go help Palette. Don't make me get Lovespoon to back me up. Or would you like to tell my brother why you aren't helping his boyfriend?"She says

Dust chuckles and then his phone rings. He answers and listens, then grins and hands it to Shino.

"Lovespoon is calling for you, Shino. She says that she already called your home phone."He says

Oh how funny it was for him to watch Nightmare slip away once hearing who was on the phone. He isn't looking for another lecture.

"Hello?"Shino says

"Shino, I'm sorry but Shatterex somehow got free...G-Pa says that the leech had help..."

"Yeah, I saw the leech but Papa is handling him."Shino says

"That's my concern. I'm worried about G-Pa. He was shaking when he saw the empty trap....That leech could hurt him again. I found a note indicating that he plans more for G-Pa. G-Pa is his target..We both saw his conditions last time, Shino. We can't let that leech do more. G-Pa can't handle this alone. Where does he usually take his battles?"

Shino frowns, coding a portal to Lovespoon after hanging up and returning the phone to Dust. She quickly makes a portal to the antivoid, entering with Lovespoon as they find it empty without a soul in sight. Well, not any that weren't tied up above. Shino cautiously explores the area, noticing a code screen above the bean bag indicating that something is complete. She pushes it aside, finding a box. She opens it, seeing the ring inside and quickly understands that it's meant for her dad.

Then Lovespoon runs over with a note she found. It reads: Prepare for the army to come. More than dreams will be shattered now that the battery is acquired.

"Battery? What battery? Could they use it on G-Pa?"Lovespoon asks

"I think he's going to use Papa as the battery....Somehow..."She says

"What do we do?"

"We gather the troops to stop him. We must plan it out. But first, we have to make sure that Palette is okay and that everyone wears protection so that he doesn't strike anyone else."

"What happened to Palette?"

"That leech struck him. Now go home and warm your parents. I gotta tell my brothers and my dad. Make sure they wear their gifts from Papa."

Lovespoon runs through the portal back home. Shino shuts it, then sighs and returns home. She finds candles lit and blue roses decorating the walls. She even sees a freshly cooked meal on the kitchen counter, still steaming from the oven. She sighs, shaking her head.

"Dad, you can put the decorations away...Papa isn't coming home anytime soon. You can't propose to him yet."She says

"What?"Reaper says confusedly as he comes downstairs

"Shattered got out and got him...We're going to get him back though..."She says, then gets an idea

She runs upstairs, checking the garbage cans and finding scrolls in them, some torn. She puts it together, seeing the message.

"Daaad! I think Shattered got an ally by selling Papa's soul!"

He quickly comes in as she shows him it. Then she opens a code screen, searching for Destiny to arrange a meeting and gain the information she needs. The ring box still rests in her pocket, reluctantly hidden from her dad. Her dad seems shaken by the news so it will just hurt more to learn that her papa was planning to propose to him as well.

They'll get her papa back, that's for certain...Or it won't end well for Shattered.


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