(XIII) The Last Goodbye

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The earth shook at the overwhelming clash of such forces. Po shone with a golden hero who faced the demon king with all the light shining behind him. A brave hero determined to give his all tostop to the Chameleon and her macabre plans... But still... It wasn't enough.

Not even the absolute Power of the Dragon Warrior was able to subdue the Chameleon, whose burst of Chi and dark magic turned her at will into a deformed and colossal chimera. A monstrosity thatexceeded to the Dragon Warrior in all aspects.

She was stronger, more agile, more ruthless. His front legs had taken the shape of sharp eagle claws, while that dense layer of darkness hovered around him like a swarm of flies over the rot. Po's colossal blows of concentrated golden chi lashed out at her enemy, but there was no move she couldn't foresee.

The panda was struggling beyond his limits. If he had been twenty years younger, he would not doubt being able to overcome it, but his body, exhausted and sore, no longer responded the way he wanted. On the other hand, his opponent had ridiculous amounts of chi at his disposal, which he took from his caged victims ages ago.yesteryears. Defeat her it was impossible.

Po triedattack her one once again. He moved as fast as he could, trying to make accurate feints to confuse his opponent, but the chameleon didn't seem to fall for any of them. Now bearing colossal size, her powerful tail whipped around, too fast for Po to avoid. The Dragon Warrior managed to cover himself with a mixture of Chi barrier and his own body defense, but that did not prevent such an impact from sending him flying until he hit one of the metal cages once again.

Gongzhu: - It's useless, Dragon Warrior. Your Kung Fu is no match for my magic. The chi of those who came before you runs through my veins, and their knowledge is etched in my mind. I know your every move. I know each of your techniques. Neither you... Nor any Kung Fu warrior will be able to defeat me. -

There was no possible salvation. Po was barely catching his breath when Gongzhu charged in to end this once and for all. Its sharp claws rose almost ten meters high, ready to fall in a sweeping sweep that would be impossible to avoid. There was no salvation possible... But the roar of pain from the monstrosity that Gongzhu had become took everyone by surprise.

From an unexpected place, a sharp dagger crossed the vast void and stabbed into the middle of Gongzhu's gigantic hand. The colossal beast recoiled from the pain, while everyone watched in amazement at what was happening. Then, a shadow fell from above and stood in front of the panda. With her back to him and facing the enormous creature.

Po: - Zhen. -

Zhen: - I hope I'm not late to the party. -

Po: - Zhen, you shouldn't be here. Go before... -

Gong Zhu: - ¡ZHEN! -

Whatever Po was going to say, it was too late. The enormous monstrosity fixed the fox as its target, while its gaze was filled with that celestial anger that flooded its body. A sea of ​​emotions found inside.

Gongzhu: - How dare you!? After everything I did for you! -

Zhen: - I won't let you do them! -

Then, the monstrosity attacked. Zhen moved with quite agility, managing to evade his opponent's enormous attacks, andtaking her away from panda, but it was more than obvious that he was not up to such a confrontation.

Gongzhu: - I took you in as a starving puppy! I gave you everything I had within my reach! Everything they never gave me! -

Zhen: - I am perfectly aware of this! But that doesn't change that you used me to use your goals! -

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