(IV) Legacy

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Po and Viper waited for dawn calmly under the coolness of the peach tree. But when the bells heralded the new day in the Valley of Peace, the palace servants spread the news through the city. The new Furious Five were to be chosen. There hasn't been such an important event for Kung Fu since Po was chosen as the Dragon Warrior many years ago.

The huge city paralyzed almost completely. The residents from the city and the nearby towns left their work and climbed the thousands of steps to see such an event. But the event would not take place in the plaza located in front of the Hall of Heroes.

Because now more than a thousand students made up the ranks of the school, an immense rectangular field of 120 meters long by 90 meters wide was built (something similar to the grounds of soccer larger) and on both sides, immense stands for a capacity of more than forty thousand spectators, which were crowded

It was a warm summer day. The sun was hot and burned the sand under the feet of the more than a thousand students who were waiting early, nervous and anxious. Any of them could be chosen. And when the sun reached its maximum height above the heavens, the event began.

At Po's signal, the hundreds of drums and other percussion instruments orchestrated by the palace servants began to resound over the absolute silence. The crowd began to get excited. Nervousness began to wreak havoc among the students, who kept motionless under the burning sun of midday. And finally, the drums did a slight pause as Po stepped forward.

Po looked with some pride at the rows of students. As a teacher, he couldn't be happier. But this was a decision that was not up to him. Po turned around and addressed Viper, who was waiting patiently by his side, but she didn't know the surprise that Po had in store for her.

Po: - I think this decision corresponds to you. -

Viper was not the only one to be shocked. The thousands of students and spectators were stunned by Po's decision.

Viper: - What are you doing? This is your moment. - She whispered lightly, but Po answered her with a smile.

Po: - Time always follows its path, but traditions always endure. - Said out loud for everyone to listen. - And it is the traditions that define our teachings... Just as it happened in the past... the great master Shifu, a member of the first Furious Five, had the mission of appointing the five furious who fought so hard for peace in China. And now... once again... it falls to a former member of that order to choose those who will follow their legacy. -

Po left a strong impression on the faces of everyone present. His words, now a little more serious due to his age, showed a much higher wisdom than when he was chosen as the Dragon Warrior.

Po: - Master Viper... as a former member of the Furious Five and by choosing to carry on the legacy of the Jade Palace, it is up to you to choose your successors. -

Viper was shocked by Po's words. Her decision thrilled her with joy. She never thought that she would have the opportunity to have such an honor. Viper didn't say a word, just lowered her head and greeted him as a sign of respect.

Po: - So be it! Open the Circle! -

The students hurriedly moved and released a huge circle in the middle of the ground. Viper crept slowly through the students who stepped aside to let her pass as the rumble of drums echoed again through the energized audience. Finally, Viper positioned herself right in the middle, taking a deep breath as she made her decision, and with a nod from Po, the drums stopped again and the crowd fell silent.

Viper: - By the old custom, I declare that the next Furious Five will be chosen by combat test. -

Upon hearing the words, the audience screamed with emotion, as if it were a Roman coliseum. However, the students were somewhat worried.

Viper: - Those whose names I mention... will step forward and prove their worth. But remember The decision to belong to the Furious Five is also yours. -

The words of the master calmed down the restless students a bit.

Viper: - Peng! -

The crowd began to shout with excitement. Peng, the young snow leopard nephew of Tai Lung, had gained fame in the city. Years ago he started his own school, but decided to withdraw and merge with the Jade Palace school. Peng stepped out from among the students and positioned to the end of the circle. He looked at master Viper and greeted her with strength and pride.

Viper: - Lian! -

Lian, another snow leopard, was Peng's mate and as skilled as he was. Since long ago, the two snow leopards linked their destiny. Each one separately they were great warriors, but together, they formed an unstoppable force. Lian positioned herself close to Peng, and joined in greeting her teacher.

Viper: - Bian Zao! -

The young Bian Zao never showed much interest in anything, but his father Taotie's attempts to prove that his machines were capable of defeating Kung Fu sparked a spark in the young boar. As Taotie accepted his final defeat, the young Bian Zao joined Po's school and demonstrated great skills and quick learning. Now, Bian Zao with a height of nearly two meters, passed in front of his companions and joined in Peng and Lian's greeting.

Viper: - Jing Mai! -

Under the shadow of his uncle Temutai, the young Jing Mai tried to find his place in this world. But his thoughts did not accompany the ideas of his comrades. After tasting defeat from Peng himself, Jing Mai joined the ranks of Kung Fu and found a place where he felt at home. Jing Mai was not a quick learner, but his perseverance could outweigh any talent. Jing Mai, who was even taller than Bian Zao, stepped forward and greeted his teacher.

Viper: And finally Jian! -

The crowd fell silent. That was a name they had never heard. For a few seconds they waited in silence, but no one presented. Finally, a medium-height goose approached the circle, but was at first hesitant to enter. Jian, son of Zeng, a former palace servant, was one of the first disciples of the Jade Palace school. In his childhood, Jian was one of the little ones who enjoyed watching the masters train. With pride, the young Jian accompanied his father to work, helping him every day. But the day he found out that Kung Fu might as well give him a try. He did not hesitate to start practicing it.

Young Jian shared many traits with his father. He was also somewhat nervous, and he really doubted if he was worthy of being part of the Furious Five. He stood motionless at the edge of the circle,highly strung and doubtful of his own thoughts without anyone saying a word. But finally he made his decision. Jian stepped forward and joined the greeting along with the other four.aspirants to the title.

Now with the new five aspirants just a few meters around her, Viper was completely surrounded. The test had no complicated rules. The only objective was to fight and demonstrate that the applicants were worthy of being part of the Furious Five. But facing the teacher of more than a thousand students would not be child's play. Though they outnumbered her.

The drums began to roll again, the crowd began to shout with emotion, and at Po's signal. The test started.

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