(II) I'm Not Ready Yet

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The Furious Five bowed to Po, as a sign of respect for their new master.

Po: - Hey. Guys. Now it is OK. You don't have to go through with this. -

Monkey: - We await your instructions, teacher. -

Po: - I'm serious, guys. - He said something worried.

Viper: - Us too. Teacher. -

Po rubbed his face hard with his hand. He knew he wasn't ready to teach, let alone the Furious Five, and his nervousness only increased as the teachers waited for him. Then Po took a deep breath, and was encouraged to try.

Po: - Very well. Let's see what happens. To your posts! - He shouted with authority.

Furious Five: - Yes, master! -

The students descended on the training area and began their routines, but just as Po had feared, their instructions were not adequate. The Furious Five went out of their way to follow Po's instructions, even though they were all incorrect and very poorly thought out. As a result, Monkey was nearly crushed by the spinning reels, Tigress was hit with a thorny pendulum hard while jumping due to poor instruction from Po, and the needles made some minor injuries on her back. Viper ended up entangled with Crane by getting in the way. middle of him in mid-flight and Mantis nearly gets squashed. Po shuddered more and more with each mistake he made, until he couldn't take it anymore.

Po: - Enough! - He shouted exalted - Enough. - The five teachers looked at him concerned.

Viper: - Po. It's alright... -

Po: - No, Viper. It is not. - He interrupted her upset. - You. - Caught the attention of the servant ducks of the Jade Palace. - Take the Five to the infirmary and treat their wounds. -

Servants: - Yes, master. -

Po: - And stop calling me teacher! - He shouted upset. - I do not deserve it. - Po fixed his gaze on the ground and left the training room.

Monkey: - Po. Wait. - But Po didn't listen.

Po was disappointed in himself. It felt like a fiasco. And he moved away from everyone, hiding in his favorite place: the rocky formation that protruded from the cliffs where the leafy peach tree grew. Po was sitting on the shore, looking at the horizon while the light night breeze hit his face. At peace, and thoughtful.

Shifu: - I see that things did not go well back there. -

Po:- Oh. Hello Master Shifu. - He said exalted as he suddenly came out of his thoughts, but then he turned his gaze into the distance.

Shifu: - Why are you worried? -

Po: - How did you come up with the idea that I could train the Furious Five? -

Shifu: - Oh. I knew you couldn't. -

Po: - Are you serious? Did he send me to fail on purpose? Because? - He asked something angry.

Shifu: - Because if you always do what you know how to do, you will never be more than what you are. - Master's words left Po confused.

Po: - Ha. He's looking more and more like Oogway. -

Shifu: - I'll take that as a compliment. - They both laughed a little.

Po: - I won't do it again. - He said after a long and silent pause.

Shifu: - The what? Teach or be humiliated? -

Po: - Both. He said something annoying.

Shifu: - Ah... Po. The ways of Kung Fu are much more complex than we can imagine. But Oogway saw a greatness in you. A greatness that I could not see, and that you still do not see. -

Po: - Yes... greatness. - He said discouraged.

Shifu: - Panda... there's a lot you still have to learn. And being a teacher will teach you. -

Po turned around somewhat strangely unable to understand what his teacher meant, but instead, Shifu made strange movements similar to when he was trying to find inner peace and his hands began to emanate a strange warm yellow light. Po was shocked to see how the energy that had been concentrated in Master's hands was transferred to a small peach bud near them. And almost immediately, the little sprout grew an inch and sprouted some beautiful green shoots.

Po: - What what was that? -

Shifu: - That, Po. It was Chi. -

Po: - The energy of living beings that Oogway spoke of in the palace scrolls? -

Shifu: - Wow. I see you have studied. -

Po: - I read it several times. But it seemed so wonderful to me that it seemed to be... unreal. -

Shifu: - Good. There are many mysteries that Oogway has yet to reveal to us. And we must follow their steps one by one. And that's why you... must learn to be a teacher. - Po turned head down.

Po: - I will never be like you, master. - He said disappointed.

Shifu: - I'm not trying to turn you into me. I'm trying to become to you. -

Po sighed deeply, not understanding a word Master wanted to explain to him, but when he turned around, the little red panda had already vanished.

Po didn't know if he was safer or not than before, but he did know that his head was in chaos with so many conflicting thoughts. So he stayed there until dawn, and went down to town to try to clear his head.

But the earthly plane was not the only one riding with bad news.

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