(VIII) Courage and Trust

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When Viper was able to control herself a little, she wiped the tears from her face, took a blanket to protect herself from the cold of the night and buttoned it around her neck. She left the room and leaned outside to try to find Po.

The night was cold, and she felt it more than everyone since she was a reptile. Everyone slept soundly and absolutely nothing was heard except the beating of the branches of the trees by the wind. Viper thought that Po had gone to the lonely peach to calm down a bit, but the heat left by his tracks that she could see were heading the other way.(*) Besides, its aroma dissipated in that same direction.

Po's footprints led into the palace. By the pronounced separation between the footprints, Viper was able to determine that the panda was in a great hurry. So she had to hurry if she didn't want to lose his trail.

Viper entered the side of the central building and went through the corridors surrounding the Hall of Heroes. Po's trail led her to the library, where the thousands of rolls and scrolls containing the records and memories of the ancestors. Many of them, written by Master Oogway himself. But Po was not there.

Po's trail veered a bit and seemed to disappear behind a strange wooden wall. Or that was what it appeared to be. Only Po, Viper, and the rest of the former Furious Five knew that this was a secret entrance to a hidden place within the palace, a place hidden from any curious and inexperienced eyes, a place that contained ancient stories and dark secrets.

Viper slid the hidden door open and delicately closed it again. Behind it, there was a small passageway that led to a narrow spiral staircase that went deep into the mountain. Viper went down the steps trying to make as little noise as possible, until finally reaching another half-open wooden door from which the light of a lantern could be seen on the other side.

Viper opened the door and there he was, her beloved Po was sitting on a chair with his back to the entrance. In the small place there were dozens of scrolls that were not to be read unless absolutely necessary. Viper knew it, and he knew that Po was conscious of that. So, if the panda had to go to them, something serious was happening.

Viper felt a lump in her throat, but keeping quiet didn't give her answers. She approached slowly without making a sound, Po was so focused that he didn't notice her presence. Viper knew that her lover was hiding something from her, but he wasn't going to tell her openly, so she tried to climb up the chair very cautiously and she could see that Po was reading a very old scroll. So old that it seemed to even predate Oogway.

The light wasn't very strong, plus Po's huge body didn't let her see much, except for a few characters and a strange drawing of a monkey warrior.

Viper: - Who is that? - Viper unconsciously said aloud, which scared Po who didn't expect her to be there.

Po: - Phew. How long have you been there? - He said after being able to catch his breath.

Viper: - Not much. My love. I need you to tell me the truth. What's going on? -

Po: - What do you mean? Nothing... Nothing's happening. - He said with his bad ability to lie.

Viper: - Please... don't hide the truth from me anymore. -

Po: - I swear I'm not hiding anything from... -

Viper: - Enough! - She interrupted him very upset. - Don't lie to me anymore. I know you well enough to know. - A tear began to sprout in Viper's right eye. - You have had horrible nightmares for days. Your screams and sudden gestures during the night tighten my heart. Your eyelids are worn out from exhaustion. You are distant from me. You come in the middle of the night to the forbidden room on the sly. But what hurts me the most... is that you don't want to tell me what's going on... what's really going on. -

Viper could not contain her emotions and burst into a deep cry. Her tears came uncontrollably from her eyes, and her breathing hitched a little. Po knew he couldn't hide it anymore, at least not at that point. With an unconscious smile; as a result of a small ray of happiness that his beloved's concern caused him, Po grabbed Viper, coiled his body and held it with his hands while resting the snake's head on his shoulders.

Po: - Forgive me. I just... I didn't want to worry you. -

Viper: - I'm your wife. - She said as she tried to calm down a bit when she felt the heat of Po's body. - It hurts me that you hide things from me... especially if they cause you so much pain. -

Po patiently listened to Viper's words and took a few seconds to think about it while they both remained silent. Po looked up and sighed deeply, but he couldn't control a small tear that ran down his cheek.

Viper noticed this and raised her head as she saw how Po tried to contain his pain with his gaze lost at the roof of the place. The snake leaned on Po's body and raised her head enough to see his face, which had teary eyes about to burst into tears. Finally, Viper calmly descended and gave Po a passionate kiss on the lips.

This was the drop that spilled the glass. Po returned the kiss, but could barely pull apart his lips from Viper's and he began to cry uncontrollably. A long suppressed cry.

Viper wrapped herself around Po as much as she could and rested her head on top of Po's. And with a sweet and melodious voice, she began to hum a soft melody that Po liked to hear.



At some minutes Po managed to calm down. He sighed deeply and thanked Viper for all the support she gave him. And now, fully trusting his partner, Po told Viper everything that had happened since the first dream he had. Without omitting any detail.

(*) Eh yes. Snakes have heat vision.

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