(IX) Secrets and Disappointments.

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After a long walk, Po and Master Shifu finally returned to the Jade Palace. They were both excited by the results of Po's training, though they were also somewhat concerned about the Furious Five.

Po: - Do you think they're back? -

Shifu: - I don't know, Po. -

Po: - I hope they are well. -

Shifu: - I hope so too. - He said while looking at the ground, concerned. - On the other hand. You did well, panda. -

Po: - Thank you, teacher. -

The two kept walking until they almost reached the stairs of the training room, but the sound of flapping behind them caught their attention. Turning around, they saw the master Crane flying with great difficulty carrying the rest of the masters, who did not move a muscle.

Crane fell to the ground along with the rest, taking a heavy hit; fatigued and appeared to have a broken wing. The condition of the others was not much better. Mantis was paralyzed, unable to move a muscle. Mono had part of his ribs covered in blood and one of his arms seemed to be dislocated. Viper slumped to the ground like a rug, though parts of his body were very stiff. Finally Tigress was in a kind of coma, she had blood coming out of her mouth and snout, and claw marks on various parts of her body.

Po: - Guys. Guys! They are dead! No. They breathe. What happened? -

Crane: - Sorry, Master. - He said while looking at Shifu, and then fell unconscious from fatigue.

Po: - Master Crane. Crane! -

Shifu: - Po. We do not have time. Help me take them to the infirmary. -

Po carried most of them while Shifu carried Mantis in his hands and they took them as fast as they could to the infirmary. There, the geese and pigs, servants of the palace, greeted them and began to attend to them immediately. Po and Shifu waited patiently until one of the servants approached and confirmed that neither of their lives was in danger, but they would not be able to fight for a long time.

Shifu worriedly left the premises and sat on one of the palace stairs, and Po followed him.

Po: - He could have killed them. Why didn't he? -

Shifu: - To scare us. He wants to fill us with fear. But he's not going to get it. -

Po: - Well... I must admit that I'm pretty scared right now. -

Shifu: - You can beat him, panda. -

Po: - Is it a joke? They couldn't and there are five masters. I am just... me. -

Shifu: - But you will have the only thing that no one else has. Come. Accompany me. -

Po followed Shifu towards the Hall of Warriors and the two stopped in front of the pool just below the Dragon Scroll.

Po: - Do you think that I'm ready? -

Shifu: - You are. Po. - He looked proudly at his student, but Po looked worried.

Shifu took Oogway's staff that rested on one of the altars in the hall and walked over to the pond. He took a deep breath and cleared his mind. He began to brandish the cane to create small air currents that would move the peach leaves that rested on the pond. With a series of perfectly timed movements, the peach leaves gently lifted up and one landed on one end of the Dragon's scroll. Making it lose its balance and fall into the pond. At the last moment, Shifu grabs the scroll with the staff, but not before lightly touching the water and creating a small ripple on it. A dry sound spread and resounded in the silence of the place. Shifu turned around, and offered the scroll to Po.

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