(VI) Lost

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Now Po knew that the only way to defeat Kai was to become a Chi Master, just as Oogway mentioned in his story. The biggest problem was that the path to mastering Chi was long and patient, requiring a lot of time for meditation and dedication. Something Po didn't have.

His only solution: accompany his biological father Li to the hidden panda village, and learn first-hand the ways and secrets to dominate Kai. Only that way would he be able to master the Chi fast enough before Kai laid waste to everything in his path.

Wasting no time, Po descended into the village and packed two packs of food and supplies for the journey, a journey that Li said would last a couple of weeks. Then, he looked everywhere for his father Mr. Ping to say goodbye, but he just couldn't find him.

Lee: - Son. Something happens? - He asked when he saw Po's anguished face.

Po: - Yes... Something like that. I was looking for my pa... my other dad. - He said something embarrassing. - I wanted to say goodbye. But I can't find it anywhere. -

Li: -Po. I think I know how you feel. Sometimes goodbyes are hard. Too harsh for some. - He said sadly as he looked down at the ground.

Po: - I guess you're right. -

Po and Li packed up and left the town just before sunset. They headed west across a great plain until they reached the mountain passes of western China. The road was going to be long and exhausting, but they had to keep a good pace if they wanted to reach the hidden village in time.

Still, they didn't just set up camp and eat something before night fell.

Li: - Hey son. - He said suffocated. - Let's stop for... a drink. -

P: - It's okay. He he. -

Po teased the agitated panda a bit, who had lost his breath after only a few hours of walking. But he remembered that he himself was like that a couple of years ago, so his laugh didn't last long. Po dropped the heavy backpack on the ground, and is surprised to hear someone complaining inside the backpack. But Po knew who it was.

After: - ¿Bye? -

Li: - Yes, son? - He answered thinking it was with him.

Stern! - He said opening the backpack, only to find Mr. Ping, who had hidden inside during the whole trip.

Mr. Ping: - Yes, son? - He said a little embarrassed while looking at Po from inside the backpack and covered in vegetables.

Po: - What are you doing here? -

Mr. Ping: - Good. You didn't think I was going to let you go one more time. -

Po: - Pa. This is not a game. I need to go to become a Chi master. -

Mr. Ping: - I know, son. And that's why I'll accompany you. - He said excited. - Who knows if you don't like the food there. You won't be able to fight on an empty stomach. It's not true, Mr. Li - He said to the panda, something annoying and challenging.

Lee: - Good. It's a secret panda village. I don't know what to say. -

Mr. Ping: - Oh, please. Do you think I don't know how to keep a secret? I kept Po from being adopted for over twenty years. -

Li: - Seriously!? - He said, amazed.

Po: - Come on, Pa. I already knew that. What I had never told you. - He said something embarrassing.

Mr. Ping: - It doesn't matter, Po. The intention is what counts. - He answered cleverly.

Lee: - Good. If that's the case. I don't see why not. Also, we could use someone who could watch the road by flying. - Po was stunned to hear this.

Po: - Can you fly!? - Asking Mr. Ping.

Mr. Ping: - I'm a bird, Po. -

Po: - And why have you never done it? -

Mr. Ping: - Because I never had the need. -

After the minor "inconvenience," the three continued on their way up the steep mountain pass for days. As it progressed, they went further and further into the high areas of the mountains. The air was beginning to feel heavy, and the cold was perceptible. They even had to traverse a snowy field at the top of a ridge in which Po and Li were buried up to their waists in snow. Although Mr. Ping, thanks to his light weight, could walk on it without any problem.

The walk became strenuous. There were even many times when Po and Mr. Ping thought they were lost. But Li knew very well where they were going. Finally, they ran into an immense ice wall whose height was lost to sight due to the clouds that surrounded it.

Lee: - Good. We're here. -

Mr. Ping: - Here? Oh really? - He said something disappointed and confused.

Lee: - Yes. Here it is. More specifically up there. - He said while pointing to the tip of the mountain.

Po and Mr. Ping simply couldn't figure out how they were going to get up there, much less if they had to scale the ice wall, which was obviously impossible.

Mr. Ping: - Good. That was it. I'm sorry to tell you that it's impossible to scale. Po, let's go home. - He said somewhat relieved, but Li had a beam up his sleeve.

Li: - Climb? We are pandas! We don't climb. -

Li broke the ice around a rope hidden behind the snow, by pulling on the rope, a platform large and strong enough to carry the three of them, emerged from the snow on the ground and began to climb the mountainside.

The three slowly ascended while a large rock tied to the other end of the rope acted as a counterweight. Little by little, they moved deeper into the cloud cover until they came to a wooden structure at the edge of the sheer walls of the mountain.

Po and Mr. Ping were puzzled that they couldn't see more than ten meters ahead due to the thick clouds, so they cautiously followed Li as they saw some kind of neglected stone entrance.

Mr. Ping: - I must say that this is a bit... unexpected. - He tried to be polite.

Finally, they left the cloud cover behind, revealing a beautiful village on the top of the mountain. The place seemed heavenly. The grass grew green and fresh and a small stream ran down from the top of the mountain and traveled slowly through the middle of the bamboo houses. But even more surprising were the residents of the place.

Dozens, if not hundreds of pandas lived peacefully in the secluded village. The children ran happily and fearlessly along the trails while flying paper kites. The pandas happily worked the rice fields and fruit trees, all with beautiful joy on their faces. Li turned around and looked at Po and Mr. Ping with pride.

Li: - Now you can say: Wow. -

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