(VII) - Rotten

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The arrival in Juniper City was anything but peaceful. As soon as Po gave the captain the rest of the ticket, panda and fox entered the crowded streets of the city. Streets crowded with pedestrians and carts of goods, which were distributed from the port to every corner of the city.

Zhen knew how to navigate the hectic streets as if he had done it all his life, and in part he was right. Instead, Po did his best not to bump into or step on anyone with his large size, which was ridiculously difficult with the cloak covering his body and his bamboo hat.

Po: - Is it like this all the time? -

Zhen: - Only during rush hour. Isn't it like that in the City of Peace? -

Po: - The city has grown a lot in the last three decades, but never as much as this city. -

Zhen: - Well... You are in the main city of northern China. There is no shipment that does not pass through this port to the rest of the region. -

Po: - I see. Let's find a safe place... I don't like this place. -

Zhen: - Did you notice? -

Po: - Even in a cup of stirred tea, it is possible to see the remains of leaves floating among the currents. -

The panda's words were not pure paraphernalia. It only took a glance to realize that something stood out. a strange pattern behind every corner of the city.

The city guard did not go unnoticed by Po. Huge bulls wearing elegant purple clothing with white patterns, accompanied by metal shoulder pads and a golden logo embroidered on the left side of the chest. Because of their organization and their patrol work, their role in the city was clear... So... Who were those armed reptiles that seemed to be collecting taxes from every business or citizen?

Even Zhen was surprised to see how easily Po climbed up a building, sitting on the roof watching the hectic streets, while in his eyes those groups of "tax collectors" did not go unnoticed.

Zhen: - That's the chameleon's private army... No.the I would be upset if I were you. -

Po: - How do you know that? -

Zhen: - They appeared as soon as she arrived. Rates have skyrocketed, and everyone has to pay weekly taxes to get their "protection." -

Po: - And what happens to those who don't? -

Zhen: - Nobody knows... But you never see them again... That's for sure. -

Po took a deep breath to keep his composure. He knew his enemies, but there was nothing he could do to stop them. If he wanted to eradicate the problem he had to cut off the snake's head, or the body would continue to regenerate without stopping. Furthermore, if he wanted to make a surprise hit, he couldn't attract attention under any circumstances.

Then he looked up, where a huge castle stood on the hill that ruled over all of Juniper. His eyes twitched involuntarily, as if he were perfectly capable of knowing where he should go. Something that did not go unnoticed by Zhen.

Zhen: - The royal castle... No one has ever been able to reach the top successfully. -

Po: - And let me guess... That's where the Chameleon is. -

Zhen: - Basically... You don't seem surprised. -

Po: - It's not the first time... But tell me... How is it possible that a mere bandit lives in the city palace? -

Zhen: - A question that many ask... Some speculate that she was the heir... others that she simply usurped power... Nobody is completely sure. -

Po: - And the former regents? -

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