(I) The Next Step

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Time has run its course, and some years fell on the Jade Palace and the Valley of Peace. Po and the Furious Five relentlessly continued their work of protecting the valley and every corner of China, and as time went by, their relationship became brotherly. Master Shifu, on the other hand, spent more and more time alone, lost in the mountains. According to him, he was looking for something that was almost impossible to find. Words that were not very clear to the ears of Po and the rest.

Eventually, the masters began to train separately. Each one polished and perfected their techniques on their own, while some of them were still trying to find their own inner peace.

Instead, the Jade Palace and its residents were opened to the public every time, and it was not surprising to see Po and the Furious Five enjoying a good meal at Mr. Ping's restaurant. As well as his notorious participation in festivals and activities that took place in the town. However, the teachers searched for something else to fill their hearts.

Po went down to town every afternoon without fails and helped his aging father for a couple of hours at the restaurant. Enjoying each other's company together.

Crane used to help the garrisons of the surrounding towns to hunt down bandit groups and to maintain peace and order in some disputes within the town.

Monkey and Tigress began to train new students, especially young men who were drawn to the mysteries and wonders of Kung Fu.

Mantis almost lost her mind out of love on more than one occasion. Literally. It should be remembered that it is a praying mantis after all.

Coming from a noble family, Viper received many classes in different subjects, such as mathematics and history. Knowledge that she used to open a small school in the town where she worked as a teacher.

Everything seemed to be taking the right reins, but one day, everything would change.

Po: - Hey, guys. What are you all doing here? - He said when he found the Furious Five in front of the doors of the training room.

Crane: - Master Shifu did not call. He said it was something important. -

Po: - Yes. He also said something similar to me. -

Viper: - What do you think it will be? -

Mantis: - Maybe he's old. - Mantis's comment made everyone laugh a little.

Shifu: - You're right Mantis. I am. - He said as he leaned out the door without Mantis seeing him.

Mantis: - Oh. Teacher. I'm sorry. I didn't know it was there. -

Shifu: - Why should you feel it? Haven't you told any lies? -

The comment left everyone a bit confused as Master slowly walked into the compound. Then the rest followed. The seven found themselves inside a dark place, they could hardly perceive what was happening.

Monkey: - Master? What is this all about? - He said with concern and fear of the dark.

Shifu kept silent and struck the wooden floor hard with Oogway's patched staff that he now used to use. At the rumbling sound inside the hall, the palace servants standing unseen on the platforms shot fire arrows into huge cauldrons of gold filled with oil. The fire rose with fury and suddenly illuminated the place, leaving the rest of the teachers stunned.

Crane: - Wow. That was radical. -

Shifu: - They say that a dramatic entrance can end a fight even before starting it. -

Po: - That's somewhat... confusing. -

Shifu: - It may be. - He answered without giving a clear answer.

Tigress: - Master. Because all of this? -

Shifu: - Because today... will be my last class. -

Saying this, the teachers were shocked. They just had a hard time believing or accepting reality. Master kept his back to them, looking at each of the machinery that he had used to train his students before while Po slowly approached him.

Po: - Master Shifu. He is okay? -

Teacher: - Yes. I am. But it's time for you to take my place, just as I did with Oogway at the time. -

Po: - Me!? - He said in amazement. - I can't be a teacher. I mean... what am I going to teach them? They even know much more Kung Fu than me. -

Shifu: - Panda. Sometimes we learn from the least unexpected sources. - He said while looking at him with pride.

Shifu turned around while Po stared at the ground, confused. As he passed his former students, they greeted him with respect and appreciation, and Teacher thanked them for all the good years they had given him. Finally, Shifu was about to leave the room, but not before being interrupted by Po.

Po: - Master. Are you sure this is a good idea? -

Shifu: - Yes. I am. -

Shifu withdrew, leaving Po and the Furious Five alone inside the training hall.

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