(XIV) Second Chance

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Gongzhu didn't even have time to process what was happening. Now, a colossal creature loomed behind her as she slowly turned around... That was... Zhen... That colossal titan as big as she was her former pupil. A colossal canine beast with nine sacred tails.

How or why Zhen had mutated in such a way was a mystery

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How or why Zhen had mutated in such a way was a mystery. Perhaps a quirk of fate, perhaps because his body was not trained to be able to control chi to his will. But the result was just... beautiful.

The colossal monstrosities collided. Two enormous sources of power. One made of black magic and corrupted chi... Another possessing pure, clean chi. An eternal battle between good and evil... A perfect balance. A vision... a prophecy that is repeated every generation. A light of goodness in the most malicious of souls, and a trace of darkness in the most generous of souls.

 A light of goodness in the most malicious of souls, and a trace of darkness in the most generous of souls

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Zhen's celestial form and the monstrosity that was Gongzhu fought in a violent titanic beast duel. The skills that the chameleon had learned from the masters were of no use to her, because now she had to face someone who compared her in power, but whose dirty techniques and precise feints left her out of combat.

Zhen's tails seemed to move at will, like whips that lashed the monstrosity without it being able to do much more than defend itself. But time was limited, and Zhen herself could feel it. That state would not last.

With savage ferocity, the Nine-Tailed Fox's fangs dug into the scaly skin of the chimera that was Gongzhu. Every bite, scratch, and blow seemed to drain the fetid chi contaminated with dark magic from the chameleon, as if it were releasing the power that was concentrated inside.

Po could do nothing but look to the side, moving only enough to prevent any fragments of roof or debris from falling on his head. The opulent castle was unable to maintain its integrity against the force of the titans. Whose fight alerted the entire city of Juniper.

Now, on the mountain that rose above the city, a golden and brilliant entity was fighting against a dark and evil being. A pitched battle that terrified the hearts of all those who watched them, thinking that it was a legendary battle between gods and demons. And in part... they weren't entirely wrong.

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