(VIII) Internal Conflicts

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The dark streets of Gongmen were crowded with thousands of wolves that patrolled the city in search of the fugitives. And at the same time, they checked the banks of the river in case the body of Po or one of the Furious Five came to the surface after having drowned, but they found nothing.

Po and the masters took advantage of the confusion to sneak into the corners of the city undetected. On many occasions they were about to catch them, but they managed to escape. Finally, a loud howl that made their hair stand on end was heard in the distance, and all the wolves left the streets of the city and moved across the rooftops towards a specific point. A scene as chilling as the one experienced by the residents of Egypt when Moses, with the grace of God, summoned a rain of locusts that devastated that nation.(*)

With the streets of Gongmen empty, the masters were able to make it to the prison, where masters Ox and Crocodile waited angrily.

Ox: - You! What did they do!? What happened up there!? -

The teachers looked at each other for a moment, but then, they all focused their gazes on Po.

Tigress: - Po. - She spoke to him angrily. - What happened to Shen? -

Po: - Nothing. It just caught me off guard. It will not happen again. - He said with his bad ability to lie.

Tigress: - Po. The truth. - She stressed defiantly.

Po sighed heavily, but lowered his head refusing to answer her question.

Tigress: - Very well. They will keep you away from danger. - She said referring to the masters Ox and Crocodile, who were inside a cell.

Po: - No. I'll go with Shen and fac - Po was interrupted by a hasty turn from Tigress, who stood in his way, looking at him defiantly.

Tigress: - You will stay here. -

Po: - I'm going. And you're not going to stop me. -

Po tried to step forward, but Tigress used the palm of her hand to punch him zumo-style across the belly, knocking Po back several meters. Po caught his breath and stared at her. He knew there was no other way. Po got into a fighting stance, challenging Master Tigress, and she reciprocated the challenge.

Viper: - Guys. Please. stop. -

Tigress: - Ready. - She told Po, challenging him.

Po charged head on. He tried to get past Tigress, but all he got was a fist to the face. Po didn't want to hurt her, so he just tried to knock her down, but to no avail. Finally he had no choice but to land a combination of blows, managing to open Tigress's defense enough to hit her face, and he almost did, but stopped himself at the last moment. Po retraced his steps and thought for a moment, he looked at her sadly and sighed deeply.

Po: - It's okay... It's okay... - He said with a defeated voice. - That peacock... Shen... he knows something. -

Viper: - Something of what? -

Po: - He knows what happened to my parents. To my real parents. He knows where I come from. And who am I. I have to find out. sorry guys. I don't think you understand. -

Po fixed his gaze on the ground while Tigress turned to see the others, as discouraged as she herself was. Tigress approached Po, and put her hand on his shoulder.

Tigress: - Yes, I understand. But I can't watch my friend get killed. - She said with sad eyes. - Let's go. - He told the rest.

Crane: - Hey. Maybe you can't see me killed. -

Tigress: - And I will not. You also stay. -

Crane: - What!? Why!? -

Tigress: - Because you have a broken wing. -

Crane: - Oh. Good point. -

Ox: - Don't worry guys. You'll be better here. -

The four masters headed to Shen's armory on their own, leaving Po and Crane with masters Crocodile and Ox, but Po couldn't just sit and wait.

Po: - We have to do something. -

Crocodile: - Didn't you hear what she said? You must stay here for your own good. -

Crane: - I think he's right, Po. -

Po: - And what about their good? - He said annoyed while the rest looked shocked. - The six of us fought together and we couldn't stop the army. Why do you think that the four of them, alone, can do it? -

Crane: - Po. You must trust them. -

Ox: - Listen to what your friend says, boy. -

Po: - I do, but "I can't see how my friend is killed" - He said the same phrase that Tigress said to him, leaving Crane in great confusion. - I'm going, with or without you. Crane. -

Po finally left the prison and lost his sight in the starry sky. He was scared, but there were more important things to worry about right now, and before he took a step.

Crane: - Maybe you need an extra wing. - He said as he opened the prison doors.

Po turned around and looked at his friend with glee.

P: - Thank you. - After saying this, they both went as quickly as possible to Shen's warehouse.

(*) Exodus 10. I'm not religious but, always is good to know.

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