(IX) Teacher

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Po and Viper had to return to the village, thinking of how to stop Kai, but they were intercepted by Tigress, who was showing great concern.

Tigress: - Po. Any idea how to stop Kai? -

Po: - If what you say is true, the only option will be to send him to the spirit world again using the Wuxi Finger Key. -

Tigress: - That won't work. You won't be able to get to him, not with his army of jade warriors. Everything they see, he sees. You won't even be able to get close to him. It can only be stopped by a Chi Master. -

Po: - I know! - He shouted angrily scaring Viper and Tigress. - I already know it. I am not a Chi Master. Not even I know that I am the Dragon Warrior. I don't even know if I'm a panda. I even know who I am. - He said quite upset by the pressure and tried to calm down a bit. - You're right. There's no way I can stop his army. - He said with a depressed voice.

Li: - Unless you have your own army. - Li said as he approached with some shame, ashamed of what he had done.

After: -¿Here? -

Li: - Not just me. -

Mr. Ping: - We. - He said as he left behind the silhouette of Li.

Li: - All of us. - He said while pointing to all the pandas in the village, who had gone to support Po. - I was finally able to find my son, after all these years. And it will be more than the end of the world for me to separate from him. -

Po was glad to hear it, but there was a very cruel reality.

Po: - But you don't know Kung Fu. -

Li: - Then you will teach us. -

Po: - That's impossible. I'm not a good teacher... I'm not even a mediocre teacher... I'm nothing. -

Li: - Po.I know that I'm the last person you want to trust right now, but you have to believe me. We can do it. We can learn Kung Fu. we can be like you. -

Li's words ignited a spark inside Po's mind. He had solved an unimaginable mystery, a mystery that only one could solve himself.

Po: - That's right. - He said, stunned. - You can't be the same as me. You are not me. You must be like yourself. That is what Shifu wanted to teach me. -

Viper: - Po. Are you OK? That doesn't make any sense. -

P: - I know. - He laughed a little. - And that's the most wonderful thing. - Po excitedly turned to where all the pandas were, he sighed deeply and decided to do something he never thought he would be able to do. Teach Kung Fu.

Po: - Students. follow me Today they will learn Kung Fu. -

Po led his new students towards the village, leaving the two teachers behind looking still somewhat confused.

Tigress: - Viper. Are you okay? -

Viper: - Yes... yes... Why do you ask? -

Tigress: - Your face has been red for a while. - Viper was stunned by the comment.

Viper: - I'll tell you later. - Said while running away.

Po had finally discovered the secret of the teaching. Each of the pandas; his students, was different. Each had unique abilities and characteristics. For this reason, each one had to receive a unique training.

Despite the astonishment of Viper and Tigress, the pandas did training routines never seen before in the history of Kung Fu. From launching through the air with hammocks tied to the stems bamboo, playing with rice balls, crushing logs of wood, even rolling from the higher hills. Things that Tigress simply couldn't comprehend.

On the other hand, Viper had joined Mei Mei, a panda who was the village dancer. By using her ribbon, Viper saw herself reflected in it in a certain way, so she took her training personally.

The pandas trained day and night, until they mastered their skills to perfection, and when Po considered them ready, he increased the rigor and risk in his exercises. Those who were thrown into the air should try to get as high as possible, even if they hit hard when falling. The rice balls were replaced by exploding firecrackers. The logs by huge rocks. And those that rolled down the hill hit heavy bamboo dummies with force. Even Mei Mei replaced her lath with a porous chain scythe that she wielded gracefully and to perfection.

And so, within a few days, Po determined that his new students were ready to face Kai's army of jade warriors. Although Viper and Tigress still had many doubts.

Then, on a calm afternoon of a cold day, a chilling sound raised the fur of everyone present. Periodically, two objects could be heard colliding forcefully with the rock on the ground, while the chains they squeaked around it. Viper and Tigress were even more scared than the rest, since they were the only ones who had already seen Kai in combat.

Tigress: - It's here. -

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