(II) Unexpected encounter.

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For many it was strange to see Grandmaster Po observing the practices of the thousands of students at the school. Usually, the panda was dedicated exclusively to training the new furious five, but it's been a week since Po and Viper trained all the students together equally.

Now, the furious five were simply another among thousands alike. Polishing already known techniques, while Master Po walked among the countless rows of students. He saw them all equally, and his serious face showed no change to any student. It was like he was looking for something... someone. But no one except Viper knew what it was. However... that someone never came.

Now Po and his wife were in their room after a long day of training. With the presence of the great teacher, the practices became more rigorous, and both students and teachers ended up exhausted after the long days. A week had already passed... and nothing showed any signs of changing.

Vibora: - Don't worry darling. You will soon find the one. -

Po: - I don't know... I... I don't feel... nor do I feel that something that tells me who is the right one... -

Vibora: - What do you mean? -

Po: - When I spoke with Master Oogway in the spirit world, he told me the reason for his choice. He saw in me the past and the future of Kung Fu. What I was... And what I could do. It was not a premerited choice... There was a reason in his words... A why not that he managed to discover. -

Vibora: - Don't worry, treasure... I know you'll find it soon. I'm sure. -

Po: - I hope so... I hope so. -

However, for Po it was not easy at all. A year had passed since he started searching for his successor, but he couldn't find him. The panda traveled alone to every Kung Fu school in all of China. The schools of his old friends and former Furious Five were no exception. The Monkey and Crane schools had very good students, but he also couldn't feel that spark that Po was looking for. Even the GongMen grand school led by Tigress seemed to not possess the long-awaited successor that Po was looking for. And so, with no choice but to wait for destiny to send him that long-awaited sign... The panda master had no choice but to return home... defeated.

What Po did not know was that destiny already had something planned for him.

It was a warm afternoon, and Po was meditating in his favorite spot under the shade of the Celestial Wisdom peach tree. The peace he found in that place was unique, and the tranquility was priceless. More so on that specific day, where not even the chirping of birds interrupted their long-awaited silence. Silence that allowed him to hear other things.

Po's eyes widened as he heard a strange noise, one that was very different from what he used to hear every day. He looked up to look for the cause that was disturbing his peace of mind, and he quickly found the reason. A shadow moved along the outer walls of the Hall of Heroes... A shadow that had evidently not simply come to visit. You had to be very stupid to actually try to rob the Valley of Peace Temple... But come on, world... there are all kinds of crazy people.

Po: - I know you're there! If you stop your stupidity and surrender voluntarily, then let's reduce your sentence by half! - He shouted as soon as he entered the Hall of Heroes.

However, there was no response. There was no need to do an inventory check to know that the thief had stolen it. Po knew that place like the back of his hand, and with just a glance, he could notice the different priceless objects and relics that were missing.

The teacher didn't say anything else, he knew he wouldn't get an answer. Instead, he walked slowly into the room, knowing that the intruder was still lurking behind him. Then he felt it.

Kung Fu Panda Fanfic - The Rise of a HeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora