(I) Ten Years of Peace

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It's been ten long years since Po defeated Kai in the spirit world. And a long peace and prosperity spread throughout the Valley of Peace. The small town grew considerably, and was now known as the City of Jade; a bustling city from which several highways were connected to other big cities in China, which made the quiet valley a prosperous area of ​​commerce and cultural and goods exchange.

Still, no matter how busy the city streets were now. The Palace of Jade remained a quiet place of meditation and training. The Palace of Jade, now led by Po, became the largest Kung Fu school in all of China, with over a thousand students in its ranks.

However, despite all the adventures and the strong friendship that united them, the Furious Five disbanded and each of them went their own way:

Tigress became the head of the Gongmen City Council of Masters, and now, under her care, the city became the most important trading port in the region. Next to her were the so-called "Four Elders": the old masters Ox, Crocodile, Rooster and Bear, who, together with Tigress, became the five pillars of the city.

Crane returned to his old school, where he was once a janitor, and became the head teacher. Under his care, the small headquarters housed over five hundred elite students of all species.

Monkey traveled far to the north, to the city of Beijing, and there he established and opened a new school. Although the school is still young and does not have many students, in such a big city it is only a matter of time before it becomes one of the top schools in the country, even bigger than the Palace of Jade.

On the other hand, Mantis made the most important decision of his life. Mantis returned to his old village and got married. Unfortunately, in order for a male mantis to leave his legacy in this world, he must sacrifice his own body for the sake of his offspring. Now, the great master rests peacefully in the spirit world alongside his former teachers Oogway and Shifu.

Finally, Viper and Po got married in one of the most spectacular weddings China has ever seen. Despite his decision to be discreet, Mr. Ping, at the time still alive, and the rest of the Furious Five, who still lived in the Jade Palace, prepared a grand event for them. Residents from all over China came just to see them, as well as great masters, political figures, and finally, the Vibora family.

When Po met Viper's family, things got a little tense. Vibora's father was somewhat conservative and opposed from the beginning, but after a time of living together, he ended up accepting Po as part of his family.

Years later, Mr. Ping died of old age. Po suffered greatly from the loss of his father. But Mr. Ping left this world surrounded by his friends and people who esteemed him. Po stayed by his side until the last moment, until the moment when he could no longer hold his son's hand.

Mr. Ping's restaurant was inherited by Po, but being a Kung Fu master, Po had no time to take care of the restaurant. Therefore, Po's cousins, ​​Din and Sum, took care of it. The twin pandas were very good cooks, perhaps even better than Mr. Ping, and with the growing prosperity of the City of Peace, it was only a matter of time before "Mr. Ping's Noodle Shop" restaurant, renowned in his honor, became the most popular place in the city, even having to expand the premises.

The Jade Palace had to be almost entirely rebuilt once Kai was defeated. The spirit warrior laid waste to the main building and the garden where the stone statues of the great heroes rested. The palace was not only repaired, it also underwent an exceptional expansion; with various training rooms, bedrooms, kitchen, and dining rooms to house the thousands of students, however, there was one place that remained exactly the same.

That remote rock on the mountain cliff. Place where the leafy Peach of Heavenly Wisdom stood, it became a sacred place of meditation. None of the students dared to approach, not because there was a rule that prevented it, but as a sign of respect for their teacher, and all his predecessors.

And so, on a warm summer sunset, Po was quietly meditating cross-legged under the peach tree. There were only a few minutes left before the sun went down on the horizon, the cool breeze moved his fur and his fine black kimono with golden details, which included a golden dragon that surrounded the garment and whose head rested on Po's chest.

Po was at peace. Only the chirping of the birds could disturb such a deep silence. Classes had ended and the students had returned to their rooms. Po's Inner Peace was unruffled... well... it almost was.

Po slowly opened his eyes when he felt something on his back. A figure glided smoothly over his kimono and stopped at his right shoulder.

Viper: - Hello, honey. I interrupt you? - Po looked at her and answered with a smile.

As always, Viper elegantly carried her two lotus flowers on her head, with the only difference that now, two elegant, embroidered velvet ornaments hung from each of them, and a delicate tiara surrounded her head.

Po: - You never interrupt, my treasure. -

Po put both hands in front of his stomach, like he was picking up a baby, and Viper slid smoothly and coiled around herself resting on the panda's bulky forearms. This was a place that she liked, and it felt nice to feel the warmth of Po's body. She felt safe there. Viper delicately looked up, but was a little worried when he saw Po's serious face focused on the horizon.

Viper: - Po. Everything is alright? -

Po: - Eh... yes. Everything is fine. Don't worry. -

Viper: - Po. - Po lowered his head and saw Viper's curious face. - I know you too much. Tell me. What happened? - Po sighed deeply.

Po: - I couldn't say but... I feel... that something... isn't right. -

Viper: - What do you mean? -

Po: - Do you remember when Oogway predicted that Tai Lung was going to return? -

Viper: - Yes I remember. It was something... amazing. -

Po: - Shifu's last lesson taught me not to ignore my thoughts... my dreams... no matter how worrying they were. I dont know what it's... but I feel like a big storm is coming. -

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