(X) Internal Conflicts

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Gravity was pulling him closer and closer towards his certain death. Po was descending the cliff at an impossible speed. Faster with each passing second. His black kimono fluttered with the gusts of wind, while the blanket of fog prevented him from reaching his grave. Still, Po showed no fear at all, because... compared to jumping from the Jade Temple to the town of the Valley of Peace, this was barely a small jump.

Then the fog suddenly dissipated. Only a hundred meters separated him from the hard concrete and clay tiles of one of the city's buildings. Po acquired a serene, calm pose, not at all in keeping with the situation he was in at that moment.

 Po acquired a serene, calm pose, not at all in keeping with the situation he was in at that moment

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At least no one was looking at that time of night, or they would have thought he had lost his mind. With a grace impossible for such a large being, Po fell onto the roof, supporting his feet with the grace of a swan, sliding a little more than two meters towards the roof ledge until he found himself trapped again by gravity, doing an impossible somersault until landing like a feather on the cobblestones of the street. There was not a tiny noise. NOT a sign to show their presence. Something he learned well from Tigress.

Now, Po slowly rose, dejected more morally than physically. The taste of betrayal was not pleasant, but that could not stop their fight. The panda's face showed its disappointment and determination.

 The panda's face showed its disappointment and determination

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One step after another. Po moved like a vengeful spirit through the empty streets of Juniper. Above his head, an eerie red moon stained everything in its path with crimson tones. It was impossible to know if such an event was merely natural, or if it were the spirits from beyond trembling before its fury. And look how timely... Just now it was starting to rain.

But not even the cold drops of water that fell from the heavens were able to stop their angry advance. Water that perhaps, and only perhaps, was a vain attempt by fate to calm his anger, but that was not enough.

Still, the panda stopped. Something had grabbed his right hand, and his contempt-filled gaze was diverted toward whoever dared to interrupt his path. But, that bloodthirsty face had to dissipate when he realized that the one who stopped him was one of the infant rabbits with whom Zhen had shared his food just a few hours ago. A girl terrified by the murderous look that Po involuntarily gave her.

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