Imagine for acciofivesos (Doctor)

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Prompt: hey can I have a request where Michael is my older brother and he and the 5SOS boys are doctors and I wake up one day and I'm really sick with the flu so the boys have to bring me to their clinic and give me a shot with the medicine in it but I hate shots so I try to refuse? my name is erin btw 


Erin's POV (Erin is in the cover)

 "Come on move it doofus" I said to my brother.

"Ok ok" Michael said. Yes you heard right. I am Michael Clifford's 15 year old sister, Erin. Right now all the boys are at our place and we are watching a movie except Michael who was getting the popcorn and being really slow purposefully to make me mad. He finally came and sat between all of us with the bowl of popcorn in Calum's hand. I was on the left of Michael and besides me was Calum. Then on the right side of Michael was Calum and besides him was Ashton. Calum offered me some popcorn but I refused as my stomach was feeling a little upset. After 10 min in the movie he offered me some again but I refused again. I kept my hand on my stomach to settle it but then my head started throbbing.

Calum's POV

I had a feeling there was something wrong with Erin. Usually she is stuffing herself with popcorn but right now she has a hand over her stomach and is also holding her head. I nudged Michael from behind and when he looked at me I directed my eyes towards Erin. He looked towards her and then nodded. Erin laid her head on my shoulder and I tried to feel her forehead.

"I am fine" she said and moved her head away from me.

"Babe are you sure? You look a bit pale" Michael asked her and she nodded. Ashton suddenly turned off the movie.

"Wait! why would you do that!" Erin said to him more like scolded him.

"First we are going to check you out and see what's bothering you. Then we will watch the movie" Ashton said.

"Huh?" Erin said confused. Suddenly I picked her up and carried her upstairs where Michaels little office is. She was screaming and struggling trying to get out of his grip. 

"Calm down Erin we aren't doing anything right now" Michael said as I laid her on the examination bed. She kept trying to get up so Luke went behind her and pushed her shoulders down.

"Ok Erin, tell us whats bothering you?" I asked her.

"Ok fine. My head and mu stomach hurt and I am really cold" she said.

"I think it's the flu but we have to be sure" Michael said. "Ok sit up" he said. She obeyed. Then Michael got his stethoscope and started listening to her heart.

"3 deep breaths babe" he said. She did so and Michael said all sounded fine. 

"Ok babe, Ashton is just going to check your ears, eyes and throat" she nodded. 

"Turn your head" Ashton said and checked her ears and found nothing wrong. He also checked her eyes and said they were good.

"You are doing great now open up" Erin shook her head and refused.

"Why not?" I asked her. "does your throat hurt?" she nodded." We promise we aren't going to hurt you just open up. She opened her mouth and Ashton took a look.

"You can close your mouth now. She definitely has strep" he informed us.

"I am just going to check your stomach babe so lay down" I told her. She just shook her head and got off the table.

"Get back on the table" I said.

"No I am fine let me go!" she said flustered. "sorry babe" Michael said and put her back on the table holding her down with Ashton. She was struggling a lot and screaming.

"Calm down" I told her and pulled her shirt up. I started to push on her stomach, she was fine until I pressed in the middle of her abdomen.

"AAAH STOP" she screamed.

"K shh shh no more" I said. She kind of calmed down and we came to the conclusion that she has the flu. 

Michaels POV

"I know you are going to hate this but I have to give you a shot to make you feel better with that flu" I told her but as soon as she heard the word shot she started screaming bloody murder.

"Shhh Erin, it wont hurt" Luke told her.

"How do you know?" she asked him.

"Ok look at me now tell me what you are planning for your birthday. Because I was thinking we could invite like 15 of your friends and some of our relatives. We can do it in the house or some where else" Ashton asked her

"Done" I said

"Done with what?" Erin said.

"You cranky little missy are done with your shot" I said

"Whoa" she said and then laid on the bed and went to sleep. We just laughed at her because we knew this shot would make her loopy. Oh well I love her after all she is my sister.

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