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Malachi had never been so scared in his life as he had been over Cassidy. He had stayed with her on the plane, then once he was home, he'd brought her up to his room, stripped them both, and crawled in bed with her, just holding her against him. He'd laid there, waiting for her scent to change, listening to every heartbeat.

Finally, he'd caught it. The scent of werewolf. It had been faint, but it was there. That's when he'd allowed himself to finally relax. He hadn't even realized he'd fallen asleep until she'd woken him. He was a bit worn then, mentally exhausted from all of the stress.

But he was happy she'd woken him. Happy she was fine, and he was able to feel her emotions, though they were a bit all over the place. But that was typical of Cassidy and comforted him. He was just happy he'd been able to feel them at all. Not feeling anything from her for hours on end had unsettled him.

It was a perfect night to be a wolf though, with the full moon shining brightly overhead, and Kai was looking forward to this. Phoenix was as well, and he could feel his wolf's excitement at meeting Cassidy's wolf. Chloe. Pretty name.

They stopped in the clearing and he turned to her. She was nervous, that was the main emotion he was feeling from her now. But she was also excited. "Cassidy."

She looked up at him. "Yes?"

"Listen to Chloe. She'll guide you through this," he told her.

She nodded.

He'd seen her lovely green eyes glowing more than once since she'd woken him up. He watched her now, as she began to strip her clothes off. She didn't do it as slowly as she normally did. He loved watching her taking her clothes off though. It aroused him quite a bit.

But not so much tonight. He was too concerned for her, tired, and knew it would be a while before he could mate her again. She would need sleep after this, and he planned to sleep too. He hadn't been asleep for very long when she'd woken him.

She stood before him now, completely naked, the moonlight shining down on her, making her almost look like she was glowing.

He couldn't help himself then, as he let his gaze travel over her nude body, taking in her full breasts, her rounded hips, and her long legs. He really couldn't wait to mate her later.

Her eyes began to glow, and he knew she'd given up control. He remembered the first time he'd done so, and the weirdness of it. It took some getting used to, not being the one in control of your own body for once. Now, he never thought twice about it.

She suddenly shifted, and a black wolf stood in front of, streaks of white through it's long, thick fur. She stretched a bit, then turned to him.

"Chloe," he said softly, and she approached him. He ran his hands through her fur, enjoying the tingles, as he lightly stroked her. It was the most intimate he'd gotten with another wolf.

He could feel Phoenix's excitement to be with her, to run with her and play for a bit. He took a step back from her, and began to take off his own clothes, before giving his wolf control, and settling back to watch.

Not surprisingly, Phoenix immediately began to rub against her, marking her with his scent. Not like Kai's scent wasn't all over her already, but he also hadn't mated her in over twenty-four hours, and it wasn't to Phoenix's liking.

Chloe didn't mind though, and she rubbed against him as well, both of them licking at each other, and just enjoying each other, before Phoenix finally turned and took off into the woods.

They played for a good hour, racing in and out of the paths, and the underbrush. They chased bunnies, and each other, playing quite a bit. They'd have to do this again soon, Kai thought, enjoying it himself. They'd been in the City too long, and he could tell Phoenix was just happy to be home. So was he.

Personal Assistant to the Alpha (Book 9 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora