Chapter 14

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The week passed slowly for Cassidy, and she found herself thinking much more than she liked about her new boss. He was in her mind more often than she wanted him to be, and the dreams she'd started having of him were not helping.

They'd gotten more and more erotic as the week went on and by the weekend, she was having sex with him nightly. In her dreams that was. And every night, he told her she was his soul mate, something she found incredibly intriguing. She wasn't quite sure she believed in soul mates, but her dream Malachi seemed pretty convinced that she was his.

She'd become a bit obsessed with him, as he was on her mind more often than not, and she realized she couldn't wait until Monday morning, couldn't wait to lay eyes on him again. She needed to prove to herself that he wasn't as good looking as she remembered. Or as amazing as what she'd built up in her mind. He couldn't be. No guy could be.

Friday evening, Mr. Abbott had called her into his office to speak to her. "Monday morning, you will go to the thirtieth floor to start your new position with Mr. Remington. Same time. Make sure when you order breakfast, you tell them where you'll be."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Abbott," she said. She'd enjoyed working for him the short time she had, though she supposed she'd be back in a few weeks.

"It's been a pleasure, Cassidy," he said. "Good luck with the new venture."

She'd headed home an hour later, feeling a bit nervous. She hoped she could work with him and keep it professional. She had to. No matter how she felt, she had to remain distant from him. Especially if he wasn't really interested in her. It would be the quickest way to get herself fired.

She trekked back to Goodwill over the weekend, looking through the racks for clothes to wear to work. She hoped Malachi Remington didn't think her too frumpy. She really needed to quit thinking of him as Malachi in her mind, too. She would have to call him Mr. Remington. It would put another wall between them that needed to be there.

She had to be losing her mind. She highly doubted Malachi Remington was attracted to her in the same way she was him. She doubted he dreamed of her every night. Like she'd be starring in some billionaire's dream. It was just her obsessive mind creating these erotic fantasies.

Monday morning, she got up with time to spare. She needed to make sure she made it to work early. She didn't want to be late on her first day working for a Remington. That would be a horrible way to start her new job, and she didn't want to make a bad impression her first day and get herself fired.

She pulled out some of the clothes she'd just purchased and pulled on a dark pencil skirt and jacket, along with a blue top that reminded her of Malachi's eyes. She slipped on her shoes, and her jacket, then grabbed her bag and headed out the door.

She climbed into a cab and headed down to Big Apple Industries. She was nervous this morning about seeing him again. She'd kind of missed him, which was rather odd. She didn't know him at all, except the man from her dreams. The man who made love to her every night and told her she was his soul mate. She really needed to separate her dream man from the real one. He'd probably fire her straight out if he knew he was having sex with her in her overly erotic dreams.

She took the elevator up to the thirtieth floor and stepped off, looking around the office. It was fairly similar to Mr. Abbott's office and she was happy to see her breakfast sitting on the desk. She hung up her coat and put away her bag, then walked over to set the coffee brewing, glad to see there was a coffee maker. Then she sat down at the desk to eat quickly. She wanted her breakfast to be gone before he arrived.

She really didn't know what to do now, except to wait for him to show up. Hopefully he wasn't too late.

He showed up precisely at 9am, wearing a dark gray suit and a white shirt. His hair was absolutely perfect and he looked beautiful, making her mouth go dry. He did still look that good.. like he'd walked out of a magazine. He smiled at her as he walked in. "Good morning, Miss Kennedy."

Personal Assistant to the Alpha (Book 9 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now