Chapter 17

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"Me?" She said it so softly, she doubted he heard her, but apparently he had. The man's hearing was annoyingly good.

"Yes, you," he said, his gaze still on her.

She frowned. "You must be disappointed."

His eyes widened in surprise at her words. "Why would I be disappointed?"

"I'm not a werewolf, and I'm not rich or anything like that," she muttered. She was just frumpy old Cassidy Kennedy from a small town in North Carolina. She wasn't anything special.

"None of that matters to me, Cassidy," he said softly.

It was the first time he'd called her by her first name, and it made her heart flutter. This man was her soul mate? She stared at him. She really wanted to ask him about her dreams, but she didn't want to tell him they'd been having sex in them. It was a little early for that. Even if she had seen him naked.

"Think about the first time you saw me, and how you felt," he reminded her. He was leaning towards her now, his arms resting on the table, his hands folded in front of him.

Like her world had been rocked. She'd felt it, the connection between them. Apparently so had he, because he'd spent the entire meeting staring at her. Now she knew why.

She took a deep breath, unsure of what to say or do. She felt a bit overwhelmed, knowing the man in front of her was her soul mate, and a werewolf. He was so far out of her league though. "Mr. Remington, I am not sure if I'm cut out to be living your lifestyle. I'm from a small town in North Carolina. I am broke. I shop at Goodwill. I live in a crappy studio apartment because that's all I can afford."

"This isn't me either. Honestly, I rarely ever wear suits. I live outside of a small town in Pennsylvania, and have my entire life. I have an apartment. I do have a large family, but I'm fairly simple. Daniel goes over the top when we're in New York City, but we're pretty down to earth," he said. "I spend most of my spare time reading or playing video games."

That was a bit of a shame. He looked very good in a suit. But she had a feeling he'd look good in anything. She already knew he looked good naked. Her thoughts drifted back to him standing there naked in front of her and then to the dreams she'd had of him having sex with her. Was this why she dreamed of him every night? She realized suddenly that if she really wanted to, she could make those dreams come true.

And if Malachi Remington was half as good in real life as he was in her dreams... Visions of him over her and in her filled her mind, her dreams running amok in her thoughts, arousing her a bit.

He suddenly shifted in his seat and sat back, his nostrils flaring, as he looked away from her.

She realized she needed to say something and quit fantasizing about him when he was sitting right in front of her. "So what are you expecting from me?"

"At the moment, nothing. Well, help with this acquisition." He looked back at her.

"Is this why we're doing this? Because of me?" Was he staying in New York City because of her?

"I have to do the acquisition one way or another. I'm choosing to do it here so that I can get to know you, and you me," he said.

So he was staying here because of her. She realized he was taking this whole thing very seriously. He was willing to do this so he could get to know her. Which was actually pretty sweet of him and drew her to him even more. If he was willing to put forth that much effort to get to know her, to stay in a place he wasn't crazy about, she could get to know him too. "Okay. This is crazy, but okay."

His entire face lit up and he smiled at her. She watched the tension dissipate from his shoulders, which made her feel better.

"Does Mr. Abbott know?"

Personal Assistant to the Alpha (Book 9 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now