Chapter 52

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The car pulled up outside of a small boutique and stopped. Cassidy stared out the window, frowning at the place. "Kai this is too much."

"Cassidy, do I need to turn you across my knee and spank that pretty little ass of yours?" he asked.

His words sent a small thrill through her. "All you ever do is threaten me, Mr. Remington."

"I can feel how much it arouses you, thinking about it," he said softly.

She turned to him and he dropped his lips to hers, kissing her roughly. She moaned into his mouth. "Yes I want you to."

"Then stop fighting me every step of the way and I will," he said, staring down at her.

She looked up at him and took a deep breath. "Okay. Let's do this."

The place was expensive, and Cassidy felt so out of place inside. She felt under dressed in her jeans and sweater, even though Malachi was wearing jeans and surprisingly, a flannel. She thought he looked good in that too. What did he not look good in?

He'd told her this place was owned by werewolves, and she looked around slowly. It catered to the rich, something she most definitely was not. Her nerves hit her again, and Malachi took her hand in his before taking her up to the front counter.

The woman behind it was beautiful. She had dark curly hair, and big brown eyes. She looked Malachi over slowly. "Welcome. My name is Lyric. May I help you?"

"I need a dress, for her. For tomorrow," Malachi told her.

"What sort of dress?"

Malachi looked at Cassidy and she stepped forward and explained what she needed. She saw Lyric look her over and wondered what she was thinking.

"What's the occasion?"

"Dinner," he said.

She looked at him for a moment, then shrugged.

"Is Miss Waters here?" Kai asked her.

She frowned at him. "She is, but she usually doesn't make an appearance unless.."

"She'll see me." Malachi crossed his arms over his chest.

"And may I tell her who is asking for her?" Lyric asked.

"Malachi Remington."

Cassidy saw her eyes widen and she almost smiled.

"Just a moment please." Lyric bowed her head and walked away.

"Do you know her?" Cassidy asked him.

"Nope. Whether she really knows who I am or not, who knows, but she recognizes my last name," Malachi said.

"Do you not have your father's last name?" Cassidy asked him. She hadn't really thought of that before, but if Daniel was his mother's father, and his last name was Remington, then his father would not have the same name.

"No. That decision was made before I was born because I am to rule," he said. "So I have the Remington name. That's also why my mother didn't take my father's name."

"Are your parents married?" She vaguely remembered him telling her that her sister probably wasn't really married to Jude. She'd asked her sister about it, and Callie had confessed that she wasn't. Cassidy had attended her mating ceremony.

"No they're not," Malachi said.

Cassidy nodded. She was mostly just trying to distract herself at this point, and her nerves. "Is that normal?"

He looked at her. "In my world, yeah. It's unusual for us to get married."

She watched him quietly as he turned from her. She supposed it really didn't matter. Marking her was permanent. She belonged to him now. Always. It sent a thrill through her and a bit of desire, causing him to look back at her and smile.

Personal Assistant to the Alpha (Book 9 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now