Chapter 20

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Cassidy sat down on the couch to wait for Malachi. The apartment he was staying in didn't seem lived in at all. She supposed at this point, it really wasn't. It still blew her mind that he was willing to stay here just so he could get to know her. He was basically putting his life on hold for her, leaving his home, his family and she supposed his pack behind.

But the kisses she'd shared with him earlier had blown her mind. She hadn't planned to let him kiss her so soon, but then he really hadn't asked, and the attraction she was feeling for him had grown by the hour. The kiss had been amazing and she hadn't been able to help herself and had kissed him back. She didn't regret it either.

And now she was in his apartment, waiting for him to change so they could go on a date together. After they went to her own apartment. She was a bit nervous about that, bringing him to her own place. But she couldn't deny that she was very attracted to him. She wanted to get to know him better.

He walked out a few moments later in jeans and a t-shirt, and she realized Malachi Remington would probably look good in anything he wore. Or naked. She knew that for sure now.

He stopped in the living room and walked over and sat down next to her. Her gaze settled back on his lips. She kinda wanted to just stay here and make out with him. The man was an amazing kisser.

"Cassidy," he whispered, as his lips found hers again. He seemed to know exactly what she wanted and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer.

She couldn't get enough of him, and she pressed herself against him, kissing him back, until his phone went off, startling them both.

"Car's here," he muttered.


"To take us to your place," he said quietly, still holding her close.

"Oh." She lifted her lips to his again and he kissed her, his tongue delving into her mouth, and arousing her even more. She really enjoyed being in his arms.

Finally he broke off the kiss. "We should go."

"Okay," she said reluctantly.

He stood and so did she. He took her hand in his and they left the apartment and headed on down the hall and outside.

The car waiting for them was nice, and he opened the back door for her. She climbed in and sat down.

Malachi got in behind her. "What's your address?"

A few moments later, they were headed to her apartment. She was sitting across from him now, and he was staring at her again, his eyes glowing a bit.

She stared back, unable to look away. This gorgeous man was hers if she wanted him. Right now, she did want him, in the most basic way possible. Her thoughts drifted to the erotic dreams she had of him and she smiled to herself.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked.

She felt her cheeks grow warm. There was no way she was telling him that. Absolutely no way. "It's a secret."

He laughed. "You're blushing cheeks say otherwise. I'll find out one day."

The car came to a halt, and she followed him out, and on to the sidewalk. She looked up at her building, the place she'd lived at for the last year. She was a bit embarrassed to take him up there. The place was crap, and very rundown, but it was all she could afford.

She walked inside and got on the elevator. She watched him through her lashes, wondering what he was thinking. He didn't say anything though.

The elevator came to a halt and she got off and walked down the hall, stopping in front of her door. She opened it up and walked inside.

Personal Assistant to the Alpha (Book 9 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz