Chapter 51

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Cassidy's eyes rolled back in her head as Kai sucked gently on her clit, pushing her towards an orgasm. He knew though and pulled back before she could reach it. She groaned in frustration. He'd done it a few times now. "Kai, please let me cum."

"It's about time you asked," he said and gave her what she needed.

Her hips shot up, though he kept them from going far, as pleasure rocked through her.

He moved up her body. "I'm mating you. I have to."

She felt him slide into place as his lips found hers. "Kai, please."

"Please what?" he asked with a moan.


His gaze met hers and he nodded, thrusting into her with harder strokes. She couldn't believe she was about to cum again so quickly but she was.

She felt it sweep through her and heard him groan as he slowed. He finally stopped and looked at her. "Did I hurt you?"

"No. It doesn't hurt," she reassured him, reaching up to cup his cheek.

He smiled, and placed his hand on hers. His phone rang, startling them both and he reached for it. "Daniel," he muttered

"I'm going to the bathroom," Cassidy said getting out of bed.

"Come back when you're done," he called after her.

She smiled as she walked into the bathroom. Malachi was insatiable and she wondered if that was a werewolf thing. Not that she was complaining. But she lost count of how many orgasms he'd given her over the last few days.

She walked back out of the bathroom a few moments later and crawled back in bed, snuggling up in Malachi's arms. He was still on the phone.

"So we're going to La Luna Rossa tomorrow afternoon for dinner. After the acquisition meeting," Malachi told Cassidy, when he was off the phone.

It took a second for it to register what he'd said and she immediately stiffened.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I can't go." She most definitely could not go. That place was extremely fine dining and she had nothing to wear. Nothing in her closet was good enough. The difference between her and him stretched wide in front of her and she forced herself to breathe, reminding herself that he still wanted to be with her. He'd marked her

Malachi suddenly flipped her over onto her back and was over her studying her face. "Why are you panicking?"

That was one thing she wasn't going to like about the bond between them. She wouldn't be able to hide her emotions from him. "I'm fine."

He lifted his brow at her and gave her a look.

"It's not fair, you know," she said.

"What's that?"

"That you can feel my emotions and I can't feel yours."

"Well right now I'm perfectly calm. But, I'm a little concerned as to why you're panicking, Love," he murmured.

"Kai, I can't go to that place."

"Like, literally you can't go? Were you kicked out or something?"

She looked at him in exasperation. Like she'd ever set foot in there before. "No and it's not that."

"Then you need to elaborate because I have every intention of taking you there."

"I can't." Please don't make me, she thought, but knew he would get it out of her

Personal Assistant to the Alpha (Book 9 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now