Chapter 12

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She'd been absolutely beautiful tonight in that little black dress, her arms bare and her long legs on display for him.

Malachi had barely been able to keep his eyes off of her and concentrate on his meal. He'd loved that he was sitting next to her, but at the same time, he wouldn't have minded having her sit across from him so he could study her beautiful face. Her in that dress had been very tempting. He really wanted to just touch her.

But somehow, he'd managed to make it through dinner, and he'd gotten her to agree to work for him. Though frankly, concentrating on anything was going to be difficult with her there, when he could barely keep his eyes off of her. He'd never been affected by a woman like he was Cassidy Kennedy.  "What if I can't get her to date me?"

"You're kidding right?" Daniel smirked.

Malachi frowned at him.

"She's drawn to you too, Kai. That's very obvious. She was watching you almost the entire meal," Daniel told him.

Malachi nodded. He'd felt her eyes on him, burning into him, and making him want to kiss her full lips. He'd also caught her looking at his own. He knew the attraction was there.

But the part that concerned him was what Clay had said about her being professional. He wondered how Clay knew. It annoyed him to no end, and he reminded himself that she'd only known Clay for two weeks. But the most annoying part was that he wasn't going to see her again for a week. Somehow he needed to keep both him and Phoenix, his wolf, from going crazy.

He'd been dying to touch her tonight. He'd wanted to feel those tingles, but doing so would raise her suspicions, and he wasn't ready for that yet. He needed her to be more comfortable with him first. He didn't want her to back out of the job before she'd even started. That would be a complete disaster.

He'd accidentally touched her earlier when he'd stopped her from drinking the bourbon. Just the smallest brush, and he wasn't quite sure that she'd felt the tingles or if she'd thought she'd just imagined them. She hadn't really reacted to them. He'd felt them though, and they'd been just as amazing as he'd always heard. He'd had to resist the urge to touch her during dinner so he could feel them again, more fully this time. It was something he wanted to do when they were alone. He wanted to see her face when she felt them.

He spoken to her on the phone a few days ago, he realized. He'd been a bit surprised by the woman who had answered the call with the southern accent. He'd liked it though, loved it actually. It was soft and beautiful and he could easily listen to her all day. It was too bad he'd barely heard her speak. But she'd be working for him soon, and he'd get her to talk to him then.

They arrived back at the hotel, and Malachi followed Daniel to the elevator and up to the penthouse suite. What time are we leaving?

In the morning if you want.

I just want this week to be over with.

I bet.

He headed back to the room he was sleeping in and pulled off his suit jacket, then began to unbutton his shirt. He headed into the bathroom to take a hot shower again, hoping to help himself relax. He stayed in there longer than he should, then headed back out to the bedroom and crawled in the bed. He lay there, staring up at the ceiling, his mind on the woman he was fated to. Cassidy Kennedy.

His thoughts drifted back to those gorgeous long legs of hers. He could easily imagine them wrapped around his waist, while he was deep inside her. But at the rate he was going, how long would it be before he'd be able to do that? Too long in his mind.

He rolled over on his side and closed his eyes. Sleeping was probably going to be less than ideal from here on out, but there was little he could do about that. Cassidy wasn't likely to agree to sleep with him every night just so he could sleep better. But perhaps she'd visit him in his dreams.

Personal Assistant to the Alpha (Book 9 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now