Chapter 15

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He was a what? "What?"

He just looked at her and didn't respond. He was very serious too, like he hadn't just told her something that was completely ridiculous.

"Those aren't real," she stated. Was he insane? Why was he saying this?

"They're very real," he responded, his eyes on her own. He didn't look away from her. He truly believed what he was telling her.

She thought back over what he had said and about it affecting most of the people in the building. "So from what you said earlier, you're telling me that most of the people in this building are werewolves."

"Yes, they are." He was so serious now and still tense.

"And you all change into some half man half wolf thing every full moon?" What did she even know about werewolves? Not much, that was for sure.

His eyebrows shot up. "No, it doesn't work like that."

"Then how does it work?" She knew she was being sarcastic at this point but she was also a little flabbergasted that he was telling her something so far fetched. Maybe he was testing her? Though frankly, she couldn't figure out for what.

"I can change into a full wolf, not a half man half wolf thing, and I control when it happens. It's not at the full moon. I can do it whenever I want to." He was looking at her very intently now.

"So you can change in to a full wolf with fur and teeth? And howl at the moon?" This was probably one of the most craziest things she'd ever had a guy tell her, which was highly disappointing. Mr. Remington was much too beautiful to be crazy. She wondered if Mr. Abbott was aware that Malachi Remington was nuts?

He smiled a little. "I don't howl at the moon."

"Semantics. Mr. Abbott is a werewolf?" She doubted it. Mr. Abbott seemed pretty sane.

"Yeah he is."

"And if I tell you straight out that I don't believe you?" This was the weirdest conversation she'd ever had, and with her brand new gorgeous boss. Though frankly, she couldn't understand why he was even telling her all of this. Even if he wasn't lying to her, why hadn't Mr. Abbott told her? Why was it necessary for her to know such a thing?

"I'd honestly be surprised if you did," he said truthfully, finally looking down at his own hands.

"So if you're able to change into a wolf, how about you do that right now." She crossed her arms and stared at him. She was half tempted to get on the elevator and take it up to Mr. Abbott and tell him Malachi Remington was nuts.

"Okay I can do that." He stood and moved away from the table.

"Wait a minute." She held up her hand. "I've got to be an idiot for asking you to change into a wild animal in front of me," she muttered under her breath.

He looked at her. "Remember when I said earlier that I would never ever hurt you. My wolf won't hurt you either."

"How do you know?"

"Because he's a part of me. I know how he feels about you. He would never ever hurt you." He said it with so much conviction, she could almost believe him.

"You talk about him like he's a separate person, Mr. Remington." Maybe he had multiple personalities? It was about the only thing that made sense at the moment.

"He is but he's not. And he's been a part of me for a very long time." He hadn't moved. He was just standing there looking at her, his shoulders still tense.

"Were you born a werewolf?" And now she was participating in his delusion. She wondered if he thought Daniel was a werewolf as well, and if he was aware of all of this.

Personal Assistant to the Alpha (Book 9 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora