Chapter 6

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Monday morning was rapidly turning into utter chaos. Cassidy had struck gold over the weekend. She'd gone to Goodwill and found a nice suit that still had the tags on it, and while she'd still paid too much for it, she felt better about herself.

It was maybe the only thing going right this morning so far. Her alarm hadn't gone off, causing her to oversleep. Her curling iron refused to heat up and she finally had to give up on it as she didn't have time to figure out if it was just slow this morning or completely dead.

She couldn't seem to get a taxi and when she finally did, the driver was very rude and she wondered if he was having a bad day too. He dropped her off and almost took off before she was out of the car.

She hurried inside the building and had to wait for an elevator for what felt like forever. She glanced at her watch. She was already late. Mr. Abbott was probably going to kill her before he fired her.

Half way up, the elevator stalled, coming to a complete stop. "This cannot be happening," she muttered to herself. Why today of all days? She pulled out her phone to call Mr. Abbott.

"Where are you?" he asked in way of greeting. She could tell he was stressed.

"Stuck in the elevator," she said.

"You're running late," he accused.

"I am so so sorry. Nothing has gone right this morning," she said. She was almost on the verge of tears. The elevator lurched and began to move. "It's moving."

"Okay, just get up here," he said and ended the call.

She sucked in a small breath. She hoped she didn't lose her job after this. She liked working for Mr. Abbott, but after today, the day she absolutely needed to be on time, he might just fire her.

The elevator came to a halt and she walked off quickly. Breakfast was sitting on her desk, but she knew she didn't have time to eat it.

Cassidy printed out his schedule and then hurried over to the coffee maker. She set it up and flipped the switch. Nothing happened. She closed her eyes. She was on the verge of tears. She breathed deeply a few times, then tried again. Nothing happened and she gritted her teeth. The last thing she wanted to do was tell him his coffee maker was broke.

She took a deep breath and headed to his office. "Mr. Abbott?"

He looked up from his laptop. "Yes?"

"The coffee maker is broken," she said softly.

His fist came down on the desk, causing her to jump. He cursed under his breath and stood, then walked over to her. "I'm sorry, Cassidy."

"It's just a bad morning," she said, her gaze darting down.

"I like your hair straight,"he suddenly said, eyeing her.

She looked up at him in surprise. "My curling iron broke this morning."

"What else happened?" he asked softly.

"My alarm didn't go off, I couldn't get a taxi, or an elevator," she murmured.

"And then the elevator got stuck and the coffee maker broke," he finished, a bit of concern in his eyes.

She sighed. "Yes."

He took a deep breath. "And I'm not helping. Go eat your breakfast, and then go get us a coffee maker. I think you and I both need it this morning."

"What about everything else?"

"I've got it. You're having a worse morning than me," he said. "Go eat."

Personal Assistant to the Alpha (Book 9 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now