Chapter 33

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"He met Jenna here in New York City. She was working as a server at a small cafe and had met a woman named Talia who happened to be a werewolf and was actually in this pack. Talia had inadvertently told Jenna about werewolves so she was aware of them.

She took Jenna to a club and Daniel showed up at that club. Daniel was already drunk before he got there and he was doing shots while he was there and when he left he was still pretty buzzed.

Remember the bourbon that was served at the meeting? That what's her name was trying to get you to drink?"


"That's werewolf bourbon. It's extremely strong and that small amount would have made you extremely drunk. Another shot and you would have blacked out."

She stared at him in shock. "I actually took the lid off of the bottle and smelled it and remember wondering if the meetings were so boring, you all needed to get wasted to get through it."

He laughed. "That's funny, but no, that amount will barely affect us because we have such a high metabolism. We burn normal alcohol off so quickly it doesn't affect us. I could easily drink a human with a very high tolerance under the table and walk straight across the room with barely a buzz. So I was not happy that what's her name was trying to goad you into drinking."

"That's why you took the glass from my hand," she commented, glad he had.

"Yeah. I was standing there listening to her and getting pissed," he said.

"I can't believe I let her get that far under my skin," she muttered.

"Well it didn't help that she was trying to come onto me either," he said in disgust.

Cassidy frowned at that. She hadn't liked that and now she knew why. "So what happened with Daniel?"

"He took Jenna back to his hotel room and mated and marked her. He told her what he was doing but she had no idea what it meant and he didn't explain the significance of it to her. Her friend Talia wanted to leave and so while Daniel was passed out drunk they left. They went home, went to bed and that was the end of it.

Talia and Jenna were both moving out of their apartment that they shared because Jenna was moving back home the very next day to take care of her mother who happened to have cancer. Talia was moving into this building. Jenna woke up the next afternoon and Talia wasn't there, and Jenna had no idea what it meant when Daniel marked her. She moved away and somehow in the midst of the move she lost her phone. So Talia had no way to contact her, and neither did Daniel.

To top it off, she had told Talia she was moving to Virginia because that's where her parents were living. They hadn't told her that they'd bought a house in Pennsylvania instead."

"Isn't that where your pack is located?" Cassidy asked, wondering how long his pack had lived there. It didn't seem like they moved.

"Yeah, it is. It took Daniel almost a year to find Jenna simply because he was looking in the wrong spot and her father did everything in his power to keep Daniel from finding her. He didn't know the circumstances. He just knew that somebody was looking for his daughter, and he was trying to protect her.

But the worst part of the whole entire thing for him was that he had marked her. Marking her bound her to him. He could never be with another woman as long as she wore his mark and the only way to get rid of it was for him or her to be gone from this world."

"So if we do this it really is forever."

"Yeah, it is." And that didn't seem to bother him at all, she realized.

"So what happened?"

"There's another thing I haven't told you yet though, but I definitely would have told you this beforehand. I wouldn't have just done it without letting you know ahead of time. When I mark you, I'll be able to feel your emotions, Cass. You can block me out from it but I'd prefer you didn't. I can feel when you're happy, when you're sad, when you're anxious, when you're aroused.

Personal Assistant to the Alpha (Book 9 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now