Chapter 36: Destiny's Deal

Start from the beginning

"No, oF cOuRsE nOt. BuT yOu'vE cErtAiNlY seEn tHaT i'vE dOnE mOrE tHaN dEsTrUcTi0n. FaTe d0esn'T bEliEvE I caN bE mOrE tHaN a dEsTroYeR aNd gIvEs mE sHiT fOr tRyInG. WhAt I sEeK iS rEaChInG an eNd tHaT fAtE cAnNoT sToP mE fRoM bEiNg."I say

"What do you want, Destroyer?"

"To...tO bE hApPy aS wHaTeVer I dEciDe tO bE oThEr thAn a dEsTroYEr. HaPpY wIthOuT tHe wOrRy oF loSiNg mY loVeD oNeS tO fAtE."I say

"Hmm...That is a rare request from powerful folks like you to make to me...Most seek more power or control or whatever...It's quite sweet...But I do require a test before I complete it. You must prove that this is what you want and be committed to, not a request on an impulse. This cannot be reversed after all."

"WhAt tEsT iS iT?"I ask

"First, let's complete the contract for your destiny, then I'll determine the test. Just a disclaimer that you won't automatically reach your desired destiny automatically when you get out of here. Destinies are an art for me to make. And part of it is the journey taken to reach the end. Otherwise, what's the point of a story if the destiny is already achieved?"

A contract appears in front of me with a feather pen. I take out my glasses, reading through the fine print. Don't want to be tricked into signing something I don't want for not reading between the lines. Then there's a spot for me to specify what destiny I want and I grin, knowing what to write. To live a life with my family and loved ones with the ability to seek fulfillment of any of our shared desires without Fate's meddling. To be able to reach a happy future with whom I love most.

I knew not to specifically put Reaper because they could easily twist it around to be another version of him with the excuse that I "wasn't specific enough" but they can't deny who I love most.

It goes to Destiny who reads it carefully.

"Hmmm, I had another client that requested this....Perhaps I can handle you both with this..."


"Okay so to prove that this isn't just an impulse taking control that will fade...Especially since it involves other people that would be hurt if you decided to break the contract...You have to spend a year in another timeline, the AUverse of my other client. If you can stay devoted to your loved ones regardless of the circumstances there, then I'll complete the contract and return you home. How does that sound? Nothing too bad, right? Not as bad as Fate's offers, right?"

Uggh, a YEAR? I knew it was going to require some time and I wouldn't get this deal for free but a YEAR? I may be bad with time but I know that's a long time. Wait, are we talking a year measured by this realm or the multiverse? Those are two very different things!

"WhAt yeAr aRe wE tAlkInG abOuT? ThEre cAn bE a tImE diFfErEncE."I say

"Ah, so you are thinking this through. Impulsive people usually overlook that. Hmm, it will be determined as a year that the one you love most experiences. If by the end of that year you're still devoted to them, then it's done and you get the destiny written here."

I smile, glad that I mentioned that. A year for Reaper should be very quick....Right? He's a god after all. And this is better than no deal and dealing with Fate's bullshit. With this, we can be together. And I'd do anything to be sure that our family could be safe.

I nod, signing the paper and Destiny takes it away to confirm and make official. I take the chance to call Reaper.

"HeY ReApEr..."I say

"Hey Glitchy!~ How are you doing?"He asks nervously

"HoW lOnG hAvE i bEeN gOne aNd yOu aLrEaDy sOunD gUiLtY aBoUt sOmEtHinG."I chuckle

"I have no idea what you're talking about."He says

"So, Sans! This is so exciting, isn't it? What color would you like me to grow for you and how many baskets would you like?"I hear Life says

"Brother! I cannot believe that this is actually happening for you and E-!"I hear his brother say

"SSSHHHHHH!"He snaps


"I'm on the phone with him!"He snaps


"NoT uP To s0m3tHiNg, y0u sAy?"I chuckle

"It's nothing, Glitchy! Ignore it!"He says, sounding even more nervous.

"WhAtEVeR yOu sAy, ReAPEr."I chuckle

"Soooo? D-Does this mean that you're on your way back now?"He asks

"Crap."I hear his brother say

"Rotten apples."Life mutters

I chuckle.

"SoMeTHInG tElLs mE iF thAt wErE tRuE thAt iT woUlDn'T bE g0oD."I say teasingly

"So that means that you're not coming back?"He asks as I can hear the frown in his voice as it walks the thin line between talking and whining.

It's so easy to read him, even his voice. Never any doubt that he misses me.

"UnFoRtUnAtElY nO, s0m3tHinG cAmE uP. It mAy pUsH mY rEtUrn bAcK aT lEaSt a yEaR iN tHe mUltIvErsE's tiMe."I say

"A YEAR?"He asks

"Don'T wOrRy! It g0es bY liKe a bLinK iN hErE! AnD i c0uLd bE wRoNg, I sUcK aT tImE! I wiLl bE bAcK bEfOrE yOu kNoW iT!"I say

"That would actually be good, Brother. Plenty of time to train you for it."His brother says

"What do you mean, Papyrus?"Life asks

"Well, assuming that it goes as planned, we need to train him so that he doesn't pass out when the time comes. You know how my brother gets."His brother says

"SSSSh!"Reaper snaps again, making me laugh

"SoUnDS liKe yOu hAvE yOuR hAnDs fUlL. I wiLl lEt yOu g0 hAnDlE tHaT."I say

"No, Glitchy wait-!"

"Destroyer, it's finalized so now you must do the task."Destiny says

"Who was that? Glitchy, are you okay?"He asks

"DoN't wOrRy aBoUt iT. LoVe yOu aNd sEe yOu sOoN."I say, hanging up.

I glance up at Destiny, who extends their hand. I shake it and get sent away, appearing in another version of OuterTale. I can tell because the floating cliff that I usually use as my viewing point was a completely different color and cherry trees were growing over it. A scroll appears in front of me saying: Find this Error's Reaper, God of Destruction. Stay devoted to your loved one home while staying here for a year to get the deal. Good luck.

Huh, so it's a role swap or inverse kind of place. Guess I have to get to work....

I start the timer on my phone.

Here goes nothing.


Death's Destructive Family: DestructiveDeath SequelWhere stories live. Discover now