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"yes choose which one dies first" the man said staring at the mother who glared at him wishing all the pain and misery on him

"No" she said shaking her head "I wont choose I will not kill my children" Cassie yelled at the man loosing her cool

"hmm" the man hummed smirking "you have fire I like that Your Grace" he said bowing his head a little as he mocked her title " what about you Princess Helena" he asked turning to look at her from his seat plopping his legs oh the table making a vase fall and shatter "opps" he laughed

"what about me" Helena whispered as she tried to pull her face away from the creep holding her "you choose we'll start with your brats" he said but she just cried and shook her head praying some one will come

"please dont do this" she begged watching the man stand and pull his sword from his belt and slowly made his way to the children this made the women scream for him to stop they screamed cried and begged as he raised the sword above Jaehaerys neck not seeing the little boy of six years old who crawled under the seat launching forward stabbing the mean man in the thigh with a piece of broken glass making him scream in pain and drop to the floor forgetting everything as blood gushed out of his thigh

Cassie shoved her body back hard catching the man who held her off guard making him let her go as she turned and punched him as hard as she could before hitting him over and over shouting profanities as the doors were thrown open taking the attention from the two who still held Helena and Sierra

"I would suggest letting my wife and sister go before I kill you here and now" Roan said as Cregan went to the children hugging them behind them as Aegon pulled Cassie away from the now unconscious man

"were just following orders" one of the men said making Aegon glare harden "let the ladies go and you will have a quick death instead of a long and painful one" he demanded making them let go of the girls they rushed to their husbands as guards came into the room

"take them to the cells now" Aegon demanded the guards as he checked on his children and wife Cregan and Roan doing the same listening immediately pulling the men who attacked the royal family out of the room

"were ok Aegon were ok" Cassie whispered "I protected family kepas" Viserys whispered pointing at the mans bleeding thigh making Aegon laugh "that you did my boy I am proud of you" Aegon whispered

"your to late we may not of got those brats but we thought ahead" the man who was bleeding spat at Aegon "you will pay for the suffering you causes Queen Rhaenyra" he shouted

"thought ahead" Aegon mumbled looking at roan confused before Helena spoke "mom where's mom" she asked

"oh god" Sierra whispered Aemond ran out of the room quickly Roan and Daemon following him as well as two guards Ser Arryk and Ser Erryk


"How are you and Aemond doing should we be expecting a babe soon" Enora asked her sister Allora who was letting their mother braid her hair something they both enjoyed

"Aemond and I wish to wait a little before starting a family we wish to enjoy our time together before bringing little minis into the world" Allora answered making her sister hum and send her a small smile

"what about you and Jace" Allora asked sending her sister a smirk "there is no Jace and I we are friends that is all" Enora said looking down

"it will in time my dear I see the way you to look at each other" Rosalie said sending her daughter a comforting smile making Enora smile back and nod her head before gasping as the door was thrown open and two men walked into the room blood on their swords

"who are you" Rosalie demanded as she stood up standing in font of her daughters "were no one Your Grace were just here to do as we were told and paid to do" the first man said walking further into the room

"leave now" Rosalie ordered looking back at the doors "your guards our dead I wouldn't scream if I were you and if you do you will be dead before anyone can help" the second man said

"who sent you" Rosalie asked squeezing Allora's shaking hand "the true Queen" they both answered

"she is no queen" Rosalie stated stepping forward "you were told to kill me weren't you" she asked making them both nod "and my daughters were you given orders on their life"

"no just you our friends our dealing with the 'kings' children as we speak your poor grand babies are being killed" one replied laughing at the thought her heart dropped hearing her daughters gasps at the news

"let them go you can kill me draw it out do what ever follow your orders but just let my daughter leave safely just let them go I beg you" Rosalie asked Enora and Allora slowly backed further away from the men

"but they know were here so I cant" one said stepping closer making Rosalie step back hitting the table behind them Rosalie put her hand behind her feeling for a knife as the man stepped right in front of her

"we were told to kill you and then we could have our fun with you but I think well have our fun with that maiden daughter of yours then kill you after we kill them" he said laughing showing his yellow and broken teeth

" if you think I will let you touch a hair on my children's head you are sadly mistaken" she said glaring hatefully at the man she knows these men will rape and kill her daughters and herself if she doesn't do anything now her response made both men laugh

"and what are you going to do to stop us" he asked "kill you" she whispered before stabbing the man in the eye with a steak knife making him scream and fall to the floor the second man charged at her seeing what she did tackling her to the floor knocking the table over

"mother" Enora and Allora screamed watching as their mothers head was lifted up then slammed back to the floor Enora looked around the room before grabbing a gold candle stick rushing towards the man hitting him in the head making him fall over and away from their mother but he got up and grabbing his dagger rushing at the dark haired princess but Allora ran at him tackling him making him fall tripping over Rosalie before Allora rushed to get off the floor

the man got up "you just dont stop do you the same" he asked turning around to look at the three but was met with a Knife to the stomach making him grunt

"thats for trying to hurt children" Rosalie whispered pulling the knife from his stomach before stabbing him again " and that's for hurting my grandchildren" she said as he fell down coughing up blood

"mama" Allora and Enora whimpered catching her attention "oh my babies come here" she said opening her arm wrapping them both into a tight embrace

"I am so sorry you had to see and go through that are you both ok let me see" she asked pulling away from the hug to look them over

"were ok mama we are" Allora whispered before screaming with Enora when the door was thrown open

"hey hey its ok its ok its just us" Aemond said as he Roan, Daemon and twin guards came into the room

"is every one ok they said they they said they got to my grandbabies" Rosalie asked stuttering as the adrenaline began leaving her body

"they got their but every ones fine Aegon and Cregan are there I am sure their with the Maester now mama" Roan said hugging Enora as Aemond hugged Allora and Daemon was hugging Rosalie

"good good" she whispered

My Sweet Rose: Viserys Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now