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"What was it like flying the black dread? You were Balerion's last rider" Lady Laena Velaryon asked Viserys as they walked in the gardens

"Only for a short time before he died with Balerion died the last memory of Valyria of old but Vhagar still lives somewhere" Viserys replied to her stiffly wishing for a certain Hightower girl was next to him and not a child

"a bit too large for the dragon pit some would say too large for our world do you know where she nests?" Laena questioned again he went to reply as they walked before he felt another body walk into him he went to yell before he smelt the scent of Roses and Vanilla making him know instantly that his sweet rose was the one to run into him

"Oh I am so sorry my king" Rosalie yelped slightly pulling back and bowing her head to show respect

"It is alright my dear no harm done" he assured her "Would you like to" she started to say to him before her eyes went to Laena and her smile disappeared making him internally panic

"Oh you have company I am so sorry to interrupt excuse me, your grace, you look beautiful Lady Laena," she said bowing he head slightly as tears filled her eyes as she was reminded once again she will never be good enough she walked away turning onto another path before he could even call for her making him sigh and turn his attention back to the girl next to him who watched the whole thing with curious eyes

"I'm sorry what did you say" he asked the young girl

"Do you know where Vhagar is now?" she asks again smiling at him

"Um the dragon keepers believe she made a home somewhere on the coast of the narrow sea the workers at Spicetown report hearing her song at times," he told her as they stood in the same spot not knowing a certain brunette girl stood not far listening in

"I imagine even dragons get lonely, Your Grace it would be a great honor to join our houses as they were in Old Valyria I would give you many children of pure Valyrian blood so that we might strengthen the royal line and make the realm stronger," Laena told his as if it was rehearsed

" Is that what your father told you to say?" he asked her receiving a nod

" And what did your mother tell you?" Viserys questions again sighing

that I wouldn't have to bed you until I turn fourteen" she said honestly as she sent an awkward smile to him

Rosalie wanted to cry the man she loved had a perfect suitor in front of him it hurt her to hear another person talk about laying and marrying the man her heart beats for not knowing the king only had her in mind for marriage


" It bothers you does it not?" Rhaneys asked as she watched Rhaenyra seethe in her spot

"Laena is your daughter does it bother you" Rhaenyra countered

"If you wish to anger me you are failing the proposition is a good one but even I am not blind to know the king will not accept it," she said again knowing that her cousin's heart is set on the sweet Hightower girl

" My father may be king but he is weak even if he marries so no it does not bother me my father named me his heir"

" yet the moment you caused Lady Rosalie distress he threatened to take it away as well as your title as princess of dragon stone did he not" she sniped making Rhaenyra glare at her before storming off


the next day Viserys sat in his chamber waiting for Rosalie to come as he ordered a maid to get her he never wanted his Rosalie to cry because of him he was snapped out of his thought about the girl he has grown to love by the door opening and said girl walking in looking breathtaking the sight of her cleavage and hips were enough to have his cock hardening

My Sweet Rose: Viserys Targaryen Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora