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Rosalie woke up feeling a discomforting pain in her lower back and stomach making her sit up groaning in pain before she felt her thighs grow wet she looked down seeing her nightgown was wet making her realize she was going into labor she looked to her side to wake viserys before remembering he is at the kingswood with Daemon her Father and Aegon on a hunt to celebrate Aegon's egg hatching

She slowly slid off the bed and walked to her wardrobe grabbing a robe to cover her body as another contraction hit letting her know the babe wishes to come out very soon she waddled as quickly as she could to her door opening it

"Your grace is everything alright" Ser Criston asked looking at the slightly panting queen

"Yes I am Ser Criston um it seems the babe wishes to come into the world sooner than I thought" she said walking further out in the hall before nearly falling when another contraction hit but Ser Errk grabbed her before she could

"my queen we should get you back to bed brother go get the master now" he said in a demanding tone making Ser Arryk rush off passing Ser Callum who was making his rounds and checking in on Rosalie twins who looked at him confused "what's going on" he shouted but took off in a sprint when he heard him yell the queen started her labors

"I will go get Lady Alicent" Ser Erryk said when Calum reached them "ok lets get you into your bed" Calum said trying to lead her back into her chambers

"no i will not give birth in my bed those are my favorite sheets we are going to my birthing chambers" she said leaving no room for argument making him and ser Criston chuckle "ok lets get you to the birthing chambers all the way on the other side of the castle" Calum said laughing slightly

Ser Calum Ser Criston and Rosalie slowly made there way to the birthing chambers Alicent meeting them there as the maesters and midwives were getting things ready

Ser Erryk and Ser Arryk waiting as well "thank you ser Arryk ser Erryk um I know it is later in the night but could you please try to get my husband he is at the kingswood where we hosted Aegon's hunt for his 2nd birthday" "of course your grace" they said rushing off

"I will be right out there" Ser Calum said leaving the room making Rosalie nod in thanks "your grace your contractions are quite close I need to see how you are progressing" the master said making her bod and open her legs for him to check

"dear gods you are already crowing my queen the next contraction you must push" he gently demanded making her nod in determination before whimpering in pain as another contraction happened she pushed with all her might at each contraction until fifteen minute's passed and she a strong shrilly cry her body fell back feeling exhausted

"a princess you grace" Charlotte said she was an older midwife who was there when she gave birth to her three other children making her laugh in joy "healthy?" she asked "kicking like goat and roaring like dragon" she assured the queen handing her the screaming babe who went quite as soon as she was placed in her mothers arms making her smile at she could see the Targaryen blonde hair and blue eyes "oh you are gorgeous" she whispered before groaning in pain feeling another contraction making the master check her seeing another babe

"there is another babe push when you ready" he old her as she handed her daughter to Talia a maid who had been by her side and on her service since day one the young maid gasped seeing the beautiful babe before cooing at how gorgeous she was and how spoiled she would be making everyone smile at the child like innocence the young maid had

"Push Rosalie you need to push" Alicent encouraged her little sister making her nod and whimper in pain "I want my husband" screamed as she pushed during another contraction "I know I know" Alicent soothed "ser Criston and ser Calum cringing at the sound of there queens screaming in pain

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