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"King Aegon Targaryen" Ser Arryk announced as the doors to the council room opened for the young king who walked in with his head held high the men on the council stood up bowing their heads in respect as he walked by

"please be seated" Aegon said as he took his place at the head of the table where his father use to sit during these meetings the men followed his request just as Rosalie and Daemon walked into the room followed by Aemond

"mother, uncle, Brother please sit" he said waving to the opened chairs

"I called this meeting because as he new King I plan on changing some things and their are some things that need to be discussed" Aegon stared

" Lord Coryls is known as the Master of ships being the sea snake and he will continue with his job, Lord Strong Master of Laws you have already asked to step down and I am allowing that my new Master of Laws is my brother in law Prince Creagn Stark"

"thank you my king" Lynoel said happy to retire he loved serving his king and queen but he was old getting to his sixties he wanted to enjoy life with out having to do job after job

"thank you your grace" Cregan thanked his brother in law who nodded back

"Prince Daemon I hereby give you your position as Commander of the city watch again"

"thank you your grace" Daemon thanked his nephew liking his new position

"Lord beesbury I and the crown thank you for the many years of your services you have done well but I wish to start newer" Aegon said making the older man nod as he understood

"I understand your grace I personally think I am getting a little to old to keep in charge of all the money" he joked receiving laughs from them all

"Lord Tyrell you will take over as the master of coin"

"thank you your grace" "of course"

"Maester Grant you will keep your position as you have done well year after year"

"thank you your grace" the master thanked the king

"Aemond it seems I am with out a Lord Hand as Daemon is now master of Laws"

"yes it does seem so your grace perhaps Prince Tommen strengthen our relationship with the martell's" Aemond suggest making Aegon laugh slightly no mater how smart his young brother was he didn't pick up on hints

"I was thinking you" he stated smirking at the pure shock that came across his little brothers face

"you have excelled in your studies you learned from grandfather and daemon the duties of the kings hand and I trust no one more than you to guide me and give me brutally honest opinions and we are the blood of the dragon we must stay united"

"thank you your grace I accept and I hope to do well" Aemond said nodding in respect to his older brother as he tried to keep his composure

"I have no doubt you will" Aegon assured him as Rosalie smiled proud of her sweet boy and happy that all of her darlings studying paid off

"and mother you changed not only kings landing but the realm the better if you accept you will have a place and a voice on my council"

"I accept your grace" Rosalie said smiling softly at Aegon her eyes showing how proud she was of him making him smile even more clearing his throat

" Jacaereys, Lucereys, Joffrey, Aegon and Viserys came here after Rhaenyra gave Luke and Jace the orders to be envoys get houses in the realm to announce their support to her but they didn't do that they took their younger brothers and flew here bent the knee to me and my wife and announced their loyalty to me they are on our side" he started as he looked down playing with the marbled ball on the table

"I am not stupid Rhaenyra is a threat to my family and people hell even to her own self she is a threat and I have no doubt she will try something but she will be stopped I have no intention to start nor end my reign as king by being a kin slayer regardless of how much I hate her but I will if it mean protecting the realm and my family I have already sent letter to all the house's and will be hearing soon of their support"

"what id they dont your grace power sometimes makes people delusional what will you do if they support and fight with Princess Rhaenyra" Lord Tyrell asked what they all were thinking

"then they will be remided of house targryens house word fire and blood and if their house denies the people in the house will have the chance to bend the knee to me and they will be spared those who dont will die by dragon fire"

"very well your grace House Tyrell is behind you" the lord said nodding in respect to the king who returned the respectable nod

"as will house Strong" Lynoel said making Aegon look at him "even if it means the death of your eldest" Aegon asked he needed to make sure the man wouldn't regret this

"Harwin is no longer my son your grace he will no longer inherit my seat in harrenhal my younger son Lord Layrs will Hawin has gone to far" the elder man replied his heart hurting as he spoke he knew his dear wife would be terribly disappointed in how their first born turned out he was glad she was in heaven and not having to witness such thing


"mother their is someone here to see you" Aegon said as the two walked through the halls "who could be here everyone I know is here already" Rosalie asked her son who just smiled at her opening the door making her gasp as she saw who stood there

"Maria" she whispered being rushing towards the girl bringing her into a tight hug

"my queen they got here safely right" Maria asked after they pulled away "yes they did thanks to you" "I am glad"

----------------------at dragonstone

"Princess Rhaenyra you are given the chance to come to kingslanding and bend the knee to me the true heir and king where you will swear loyalty if you do so you will be left alone at dragonstone if you deny you will pay the price I do not wish to start a war or have any bloodshed you are still my fathers daughter and that is sparing you choose wisely princess

- King Aegon

"that son of a bitch" she mumbled laughing appalled at the letter she had just received

"what is the plan" hariwn asked making her sigh "he does not wish for bledshed but that is what he will be getting we will hit him where it hurts the most"

"and that is?" Harwin asked his brows furrowing as he thought of who meant the most to the young king

"his children"

My Sweet Rose: Viserys Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now