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it was the next day around noon when the newly married couple finally left the confinements of there chambers heading to the dinning room to each lunch with their family they walked through the halls giggling and laughing as they had a hard time keeping their hand off each other

the guards and maids were surprised seeing the two walking in the halls because of the non stop noises from there chambers last night and this morning made it sound like a pleasure house they were almost as bad as the king and queen on there wedding night they weren't excepting the two to come out of their chambers anytime soon

"Prince Daemon Targaryen Princess Alicent Targaryen" the guard announced as they walked into the room daemons arm unwrapping from his wife's waist as Aegon ran towards him yelling "Kepus" "ah little Aegon" he said tossing him up in the air catching him before sitting him down in his chair next to Rosalie kissing his head

"Sister, Daemon I am so glad you decided to join us" Rosalie said with a teasing smile as she lightly bounced Helena in her lap Daemon chuckled as he pulled out a chair on the opposite side of the table for Alicent kissing her on the head before sitting down next to her Otto, Rosalie and Viserys smiled at the action

"are you two married now" little Aegon asked his words not coming out correctly as he was only four year old "Yes Aegon we are" Alicent said smiling at him "yay im happy your happy" he said before going back to the lunch Infront of him making the adult laugh as the door opened

"Ser Leanor Valeyron Ser Joffrey" Ser Callum announced as the two men walked into the room laughing "Ser Leanor Ser Joffrey I am so happy two are joining us should we be excepting Rhaenyra soon" Viserys asked with a hopeful smile he wanted his daughter to become better and not continue to go on the path she was

"Um no your Grace I apologies Rhaenyra said that she had some things to do" Leanor responded awkwardly knowing she was most likely fucking a guard

Rosalie saw the upset look in her husbands eyes and it hurt her heart "ell she is the heir and princess she is quite busy perhaps she will join us for dinner" Rosalie said grabbing Viserys hand for comfort Viserys nodded and smiled at his wife the women who was able to bring light to practically any situation Rosalie shifted in her seat catching Ottos attention who was talking with Aegon who sat on the other side of him he noticed the hidden discomfort in his daughter eyes making him stand up catching her attention as he walked up to her grabbing Helena cooing at her

"thank you father" she whispered making him nod at her before sitting back down continuing his conversation with Aegon Rosalie watched as she rubbed her stomach feeling the babe kick her hard she felt Viserys hand join hers

"Sister how much longer do you recon until the babe come" Alicent asked as she watched her sister eat strawberries on toast with peanut butter and honey " about three months until the little ones join us" Rosalie said in excitement "little ones you believe it will be twins" Alicent said smiling at her sister joy

"mhmh" Rosalie hummed "I am larger than I was with Roan and Helena and have been far more hungry moody all of it so I believe there are two babes" it worried Alicent her sister was smaller lady and giving birth to the twins took a hard tole on her body she didn't wish for her sister to be miserable or hurt due to childbirth

Rosalie being who she is saw the worry in her older sisters eyes and sent her a reassuring smile letting her know this is what she wanted and she would be ok


"Papa why dont I have a dragon" Aegon asked as Viserys laid him in his bed "my egg went hard into stone" Aegon finished his eyes watering "you my boy will have a dragon one day a amazing dragon I am not sure what happened with your egg Aegon but you are my son and a Targaryen it is your right to a dragon I claimed mine before he died kepus Claimed his dragon as well and our family member Leana she claimed Vhagar just because your egg does not hatch does not mean there is not a dragon out there for you" there are plenty of dragon in the dragon pit that use to have rider it is just the way of thing you have to be patient" Viserys said making him nod "ok thank you papa" "your welcome my boy goodnight" he said placing a kiss on his head before leaving the room leaving a tired but determined four year old he would have a dragon.

Viserys walked back to his chambers after checking in on the twins seeing them already asleep he nodded to Ser Callum and Ser Criston "you two may be excused tonight go get drunk or whatever you two do there are guards everywhere we will be fine for the night" he said making them augh slightly "thank you your grace" Ser Callum said sending a smirk at Ser criston who blushed and looked at the floor as he muttered a thank you to the king before walking following Ser Callum

"well what do you say want to come to my chambers and get drunk and talk" Ser Callum asked smirking at the dornish knight who was slightly flustered but he wanted to have fun so he agreed making the other Knight smile and tell him to get changed into some more comfortable clothes before meeting him at his chambers smirking as the dornish knight rushed off


"how did you come onto the queens service as her sworn shield you two have a close bond more close than a normal knight and queen would have" Criston asked taking a sip of his ale "mhhm when the Lord Hand Otto came to kings landing with lady Alicent and the queen she was eight and I was placed as her sworn guard she loved to wander then when she was 15 she married the king and asked me to be on her service and I said yes we are close due to knowing eachother for a long time" Callum explained making Criston nod

"I will be honest I know some of the reasons you were placed on her service something to deal with Rhaenyra do you want to talk about it" "no if that ok" "yea that fine" the two spent the rest of talking and drinking enjoying each others company


"I will never understand how you can be so gorgeous my love" Viserys spoke softly as he saw his wife in a tub of warm water his comment making her giggle feeling shy her hormones were everywhere due to her pregnancy the mads smirked enjoying the way their queen still had the light and joy of a young girl

"Leave us please I can wash wife" Viserys declared as he pushed up his sleeves "of course your grace" The maids said bowing and leaving as Rosalie called out thanking them

"I gave Ser Callum and Ser Criston the night off Ser Callum seemed eager to have time off with Ser Criston" Viserys said as he began rubbing her back with the sponge she giggled "yes I have noticed there closeness I believe there is something there they would be cute" Rosalie said making Viserys hum as he poured water on her skin flushing away the soap before helping her out of the bath

"I love seeing you so full with my babe" Viserys said as he rubbed some oil on her stomach "I love having your children but this pregnancy has been more difficult than normal I wish to take a few years of no babes after I give birth" Rosalie said

Viserys smiled at her "I will be happy and support whatever you decide my love" he said kissing her cheek as she smiled before laying down to sleep


"Aegon my boy it is time to get up your mother and I were going to the dragon pitsand I thought you would want to come" Viserys said waking up Aegon making him jump up in excitement he had spent a whole night making a plan to get a dragon "I want to come I want to come kepa" he said bouncing in his bed making Viserys laugh

"all right, all right"

an hour later the three stepped out of the carriage at the dragon pit leading a Dragonkeeper leading them to the egg incubator with the twins eggs they made it apart of their routine to check in twice a month

while Rosalie and Viserys talked with the Dragonkeepers little Aegon took there moment of distraction to escape to the tunnel where the unclaimed dragons laid he followed a hallway until his eye caught something shining and he quickly rushed towards it

"where is Aegon" Rosalie asked after seeing he was not playing with his toys where she told him to stay her asking caught Viserys attention making him look around the cave "find my son" he ordered in high Valarian making the dragon keeper go to rush down the tunnels only stopping as they saw the young prince walk out of the tunnel staggering as he carried the heavy golden egg

"Aegon where did you go you know you are not allowed to leave mine or kepas side when we are here" Rosalie ushed out as she ran to him as fast as her pregnant belly allowed her to "Im sorry mama but look I having a dragon" he said showing her the egg "yes my boy is seems the gods have provided" "I want to keep it in my bed like you said dad some dragons hatch in the cradle my bed it my cradle" the boy said making his father laugh and nod his head in agreement

Prince Aegon had another egg a rare looking egg a second chance
I don't know how I feel about this chapter

My Sweet Rose: Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now