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The Royal family sat at the main table prepared for the introduction of the many houses who would be joining them this evening

"mama when will this start" Roan complained before looking at the door which had just opened "now my dear" Rosalie said as one of the Guards began to announce the houses and their lords

House after House and Lord after Lord were announced the twins were showered in compliments and gift just as their mother had said would happen a few lords attempted to flirt with their mother which they took great pleasure in watching their father become more possessive and dismiss the lords daring them to try anything

Everyone had been dancing and eating for a few hours before a certain northern boy Rickon Starks Heir Cregan Stark approached the table bowing to Rosalie and Viserys before turning his attention to Helena bowing to her before standing straight

"Princess Helena I was wondering if you would like to have a dance with me" Cregan said rocking on his feet as he began to feel nervous he was asking the princess to dance right in front of the king and queen as well as her over protective brothers and war hero of an Uncle

Helena cheeks became flushed as the extremely handsome young boy asked her to dance "I would love to this is a lovely song" Helena said after a moment of silence she slowly stood up making her way around the table taking his hand that he held out for her as they began walking to the center of the dance floor

"You are to be the next Lord of the North right" Helena asked as they slowly danced

"Yes after my father passes or steps down I will be lord of the north residing in Winterfell that is my home" Cregan replied smiling as he thought of his home

"I heard you enjoy bugs and animals" he said wanting to know more about the princess he had in his arms

Rosalie smiled at her daughters relaxed and happy state before she laughed seeing the tense face her husband and two eldest sons had "what is wrong with the three of you" she asked amused already knowing what was the cause of their sudden change in attitude

"my little butterfly is growing up" Viserys muttered his heart warming and dropping at the same time as he looked at his daughter who danced gracefully around the room in the arm of a slightly older boy who was smiling at her

"is he not a little to old for her what is he like twenty" Roan said glaring at the man he was afraid of his sister finding a marriage match because if she did she would leave him and he did not wish to live here with out his sister his twin

"he is ten and six only three years older than you and Helena" Rosalie said shaking her head as she took a sip of the dornish wine that her cup was filled with

"that a big gap mother" Roan said looking at his mother with wide eyes before yelling ow as Aegons hand met the back of his head

"mama and Kepas are almost sixteen years apart their only three and it is just a dance be happy for our sister she is getting out their" Aegon said rolling his eyes he understood his brothers fear but he wished for Helena to find someone who would truly value, love and protect her and if that was the slightly older male who would inherit the title and land of the north so be it

"sixteen year years damn father" Roam mumbled making Viserys laugh and Rosalie blush "go dance both of you" Rosalie said waving her hand at her sons who laughed and stood up leaving to find someone to dance with

Viserys smiled seeing his family happy Aegon and Roan dancing with two ladies seeming from house Velaryon and Strong, Aeron and Allora were dancing and next to them Aemond and Enora were dancing together

"Viserra do wish to dance" Daemon asked his daughter who kept looking around the room nervously almost "I do not wish to dance with some sweaty boy kepas" she answered drinking some of her water to avoid looking at her father

"mmh how about that pretty brunette you keep looking at" Daemon said smirking at her "um that would improper father" she muttered her heart feeling heavy as she looked at the girl her father was speaking about

"damn the rules and what is improper and proper if you wish to dance with the kind girl then go dance with her if anyone dares to say anything they wont have a tounge or head" Daemon said placing a kiss onto her head making her tear up knowing she had her fathers support

"thank you papa" she muttered kissing his cheek and then her mothers before walking to the girl she had been eyeing earlier "Elena would you like to have a dance with me" Viserra asked the young brunette who smiled and nodded grabbing her hand

"thats my girl" Daemon muttered smiling at his daughter smile


Alicent made her way towards Viserra's chambers wishing to speak with her before she went to bed herself

"sweetheart can we talk" Alicent asked looking at her daughter who was sitting up in her bed a book next to her

"of course mama is everything ok" Viserrra asked looking confused "yes, yes everything is alright I just wished to talk to you about something, about tonight at the feast" Alicent said sitting on the bed her words made Viserra feel scared wondering where this conversation was going to lead

"ok" she whispered quietly looking at her hands "I noticed you were quite close with Elena tonight you were dancing and smiling even blushing but only with her you looked quite miserable when dancing with anyone else except your father" Alicent stated and Viserra felt her heart race she didn't know what to say

""I dont wish to marry a man mama I dont know if i even can love a man romantically" she blurted out unable to control herself stunning Alicent "and I think papa already knows because he was the one to push me to ask Elena to dance and I dont want you to hate me I couldn't live with my self if you or papa hated me but I cant help it and I know I am young but I dont think this will ever be changing"

"ok Viserra I will always love you and always will protect you i did not come here to bash you or berate you I just wished to know how you felt and your father already does know and still loves you, and if you do not wish to marry that is fine I will support you with what ever you decide whether that is loving a man or women" Alicent said wiping a tear that was close to falling down her own cheek

"I love you mama" Viserra said before hugging her tightly "I love you sweetheart" Alicent whispered kissing her daughters head

My Sweet Rose: Viserys Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now