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Six months had passed since the wedding and attempted murder of Rosalie who held lots of anxiousness since the attack she was stressed as it had been six months since Rhaenyra and Leanor married and she was not with child which was concerning as the Princess needed to birth at least two children an heir for her and an heir for Leanor

Rosalie sat in her chambers trying to do embroidery on a blanket with Helena and Roan asleep in a bassinet near her Viserys had taken Aegon to check on his Dragon egg which had still not hatched she was brought out of her thoughts when a soft knock was placed on her door

"Come it" Rosalie called out quietly the door opened and Daemon walked in

" Daemon to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit" Rosalie asked from her seat setting her embroidery down

"I wished to talk to you, get some clarence and help" Daemon responded nervously as he sat down "ok well there is no judgement hear speak freely"

"I think I am in love with someone I have never felt the things I have been feeling I know this is stupid I will not bother you with this" Daemon rambled standing up but Rosalie grabbed his hand pulling him to sit down

"It is not stupid and you are not bothering me I understand Daemon that you are use to being strong and tuff emotionless unless its cockiness or anger I have seen a change as well as many other including Viserys it is ok to feel these things and express them it still makes you a man if you ask me being able to express yourself makes you more of a man than one so tell me how you feel about this girl" Rosalie said making Daemon feel relived

"she is smart kind beautiful always has been loves her family deeply is very much a rule follower is all about duty and honor" Daemon said chuckling lightly as he thought of a certain brunette Hightower who has weaseled her way in his heart without even knowing it

"huh she sounds lovely would this lady be Alicent by any chance" Rosalie asked smiling at him in a knowing way making him chuckle and nod

"yes it is her but I fear she would not want to be with me your father and I do not get along all of the time I was quite a dick wishing for my brothers attention and I took it out on him seeing him as a snake" Daemon said scared of making her angry

but all she did was smile and nod "well I dont think he liked you very much either if it is any help but I think Alicent feels the same I see the way she looks at you it can never hurt to try" "thank you Sister" Daemon said making her smile at the endearment "always"


"Prince Daemon My Lord Hand" Otto looked up from his desk seeing the rouge prince come into his office "Prince Daemon what can I do for you" "I wished to speak with you do you have a moment" "of course you may sit if you wish" "thank you" Daemon said before sitting down

"I know we have not always gotten along and I am sorry for my part" Daemon started shocking Otto "then I will apologies as well" Otto replied making daemon nod

"I will not put this off any longer I care deeply for Alicent and I would love to have you permissions to court her if she allows it I would never force her into something she does not with for" Daemon blurted out leaving Otto shocked

" I would give up every once of power if it meant my daughters being happy I do not like you very much but I can see that you are changing and I see the way Alicent and you look at eachother and how happy she is when she is around you I will give you my blessing to ask her to court you and in marriage but if she refuses you will have to accept that" Otto told him making him nod and smile

"thank you very much I will" Daemon said before getting up and leaving the room and heading to the training yard he needed to let out his stress


"Mama" a little Aegon quietly yelled as he and Viserys walked into the room

"oh my sweet boy what is wrong" she said standing up before walking over to him quickly picking him up letting him cuddle into his "his egg has not hatched yet my dear love" Viserys said in his mother tounge

"well there is plenty of time my dear how about we bring your egg into your chambers keep it on the fire there maybe being closer to your dragon egg will help the process and if your egg does not hatch there are plenty of unclaimed dragons and you my boy are a Targaryen closer to the gods then most people as the gods have bless the Targaryen line with the ability to bond with a dragon I am sure you have a beautiful dragon" Rosalie spoke softly to Aegon making him happy because he knew his mother wouldn't lie to him

Viserys admired the way she was with his children it warmed his heart and made his love for her grow even more which he didnt think was possible but he didnt mind it a bit

Alicent knocked on her sister's chambers hearing the King yell come in "Sister what can I do for you" Rosalie asked smiling at her " I came to steal Argon to go steal some chocolate cake and play outside" Alicent replied looking at Aegon raising her eyebrow making him clap and cheer while wiggling out of his mothers arms not before placing a kiss to her and his fathers cheek

"Have fun my boy behave" Viserys said kissing the top oh his head before sitting down on a chair as Rosalie stood smiling as the door shut "he is growing to quickly for my liking" Rosalie said pouting as she turned to him making him laugh

"he is a mama's boy my love he will always be around" Viserys assured her "I know but i dont want him to grow up" she said whining dramatically as she sat in his lap

"I dont either my dear but he will and he will be one great man"

My Sweet Rose: Viserys Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now