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Rosalie left Aemond's room feeling furious and everyone could see that they were confused and worried about why there kind and sweet queen who smiled and greeted everyone looked so angry but no one questioned it only moving out of her way bowing as she passed

"they have done it again Viserys they have tormented our son once again" Rosalie yelled as she walked into their chambers drawing Viserys attention "my love what has happened" he asked confused setting down his book

"Rhaenyra's children have "pranked" Aemond again they told him that they found a dragon for him but it was a pig my love they dressed up a pig a tail, wings, a snout everything named it the pink dread" Rosalie explained the anger clear in her voice as she sat on Viserys lap

he rubbed her back calming her sightly "this can not continue my love it can not he went further into the dragon pit to see the unclaimed dragons but went into dreamfyres cave he could have died Viserys we could have lost our son" she whimpered in fear as tears stung her eyes

Viserys took a shuddered breathe at the thought of loosing his son "is he ok" he asked receiving a nod "shaken and scared but he is well now"

"well i trust what ever punishment you see fit my sweet rose, and if Rhaenyra has a problem with anything she can bring it up with me" He said making her nod and smile

" my queen and king Prince Aegon" Ser Calum said opening the door letting their eldest walk in "Aegon my dragon is everything ok" Viserys asked seeing the nervous look on his face

"yes kepas everything is ok I wished to talk with you and mama about something" he said sitting in a chair near them smiling at the look of pure love on his fathers face as he looked at his mother

"ok my sweet boy what do you wish to discuss" Rosalie asked getting off Viserys lap sitting in a chair next to him

"I wish to be apart of the council not as the kings cup bearer but apart of it do my part to the realm and our family I am your first living son and I wish to be more apart of everything politics duties Roan or Helena could be you cup bearer to replace me" Aegon said nervously waiting for his parents to respond

"well I am sure that can be done we have a council meeting tomorrow you will have a seat next to your mother I will speak with Roan about becoming the next cup bearer, I am glad you wish to step up and be more involved Aegon" Viserys said making him sigh in relief

"thank you father" Aegon said nodding his head "oh my baby is growing up" Rosalie whined

"mama" Aegon whined as Viserys laughed at his wife and son

"my love," Viserys chuckled "I am so proud of you my sweet boy" Rosalie said kissing Aegon's cheek making him smile "thank you mama" he said kissing her cheek and squeezing his father shoulder before leaving

"he is growing to quickly" Rosalie said pouting as she stood between Viserys legs he wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her into his lap "I know my love but I have no doubt he will be a wonderful man" Viserys said he was happy his son wanted to be more involved lords know his half sister slacks off


Rosalie walked through the halls towards Rhaenyra's day chambers knowing her sons wild be there "Queen Rosalie" a guard announced opening the door drawing Rhaenyra and Laenor's attention as well as the two young boys that sat on the floor playing who looked at each other nervously seeing the queen

"your grace what can we do for you" Laenor asked as he stood up kissing her cheek making her smile at the Valeyron

"I needed to speak with you and the Princess it seems that you sons have once again played a rude and cruel prank on my son Aemond" Rosalie said trying her best not to spat the word she may be kind and a sweet but she would become a cold hearted bitch if it meant protecting her children

"oh seven hells" Laenor muttered sigh as already feeling agitated at his 'sons' but Rhaenyra could care less

"Oh so what there kid there boys they were just messing around no harm done" Rhaenyra said rolling her eyes making Rosalie glare at her

"your sons gave my son a pig acting like they found him a dragon, your sons brought my child further into the dragon pit than he should of been and shamed him for his lack of dragon" Rosalie said her voice stern

"oh well maybe he doesn't have a dragon cause he is not a real Targaryen" Rhaenyra said making two maids gasp in shock

"how is Aemond or any of my children for that matter not a Targaryen" Rosalie asked looking confused

"because your not your a whore your children are probably bastards you especially that daughter of yours" Rhaenyra replied smirking thinking she hit a nerve but that went away when Rosalie started to laugh hard

"my children have been sired by only one man your father and king they have the Targaryen looks and blood hence they have been able to tame dragons and my daughter was born with her two siblings who have the Targaryen looks unlike your who look every inch of a bastard" Rosalie said switching to High Valarian at the end she would not put innocent children's life at risk

Rhaenyra gasped "I could have your head for that" she shouted standing up "and I could have yours" Rosalie said back "Jacaerys Lucerys you will have extra lesson with the septa for a month and you may not attend dragon lessons until you are retaught your dragon lessons what you did was carless and cruel would you want to be teased for you lack of dragon" Rosalie said turning to the two boys who looked guilty

"no your grace we just wanted to be funny and play a prank like Aegon and Roan do" Jace said feeling sad he didn't realize how badly he messed up

Rosalie took a deep breathe "the pranks your uncles do are harmless and funny what you did was teasing and rude you must apologies to Aemond i will not take your time with your dragons but you will have extra lessons and you will apologies to him alright both of you" Rosalie said crouching down to be eye level with them

"ok your grace we will apologize" "wonderful" she said standing kissing their head ignoring how Rhaenyra glared at her "well I will be taking my leave now good day" she said leaving the room


"Aemond" Viserys said knocking on his door walking into the room

"yes Kepas" Aemond said as he sat his book down on his bed "can I talk with you" Viserys asked receiving a timid nod from his son you was worried he was going to be in trouble

"you mother told me what happened today" he said sitting down on the bed "I now it was stupid to think they found me a dragon, and it was stupid to go further into the dragon pit I know ok" Aemond said waiting for the scolding

"yes it was stupid to go into the dragon caves but you believed your family that they found you a dragon your a kid I understand that, I am not mad I was just scared what you did was dangerous and to think of you dying makes me sick just as it does to your mother I love you Aemond" Viserys said squeezing Aemond shoulder

"why do you love me I dont have a dragon how am I even a Targaryen I am a disgrace to our house and family" Aemond shouted expressing how he feels breaking his fathers heart

"oh my dear boy you could never be a disgrace your mother and I love you as you are and you will have a dragon one day, your uncle didn't claim Carexus until he was ten and one, your great Cousin Lady Laena didn't claim Vhagar until she was ten and seven and there is so many more, who have been in your position you will have a dragon my boy I know it" Viserys said

"thank you kepas" Aemond whispered trying to keep his tears back

"always my boy always I love you"

"I love you to"

My Sweet Rose: Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now