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" Lord Lynoel, Your Grace's" Ser Arryk announced nodding to his king and queen before leaving the room shutting the door behind him

"My Lord is everything alright" Rosalie asked as she pushed Viserys forward fluffing his pillow her husband was stressed with everything that was going on and she needed his stay calm and relaxed she didn't wish for her husband to become sick

"my friend I am being endlessly fussed over, save me" Viserys teased "hey" Rosalie said offended smacking his shoulder gently

"My King My Queen" Lynoel said chuckling as he bowed "Lynoel is everything alright" Rosalie asked seeing the conflicted look the lord of Harrenhal held

"I wished to speak with you about the incident in the courtyard" he started which brought a glare to Viserys face recalling they way that bastard put his hands on his son and wife

"you mean how your son laid his hands on my son then my wife before he beat the near life out of my wife's sworn protector" Viserys spatted his anger getting the best of which made Rosalie grab his hand

"My love your temper" Rosalie said squeezing his hand the lord didn't deserve the anger as he was not accountable for his grown sons actions

"Lynoel is not responsible for his sons actions" she said making him sigh and nod

"with all do respect my queen but my son's actions are inexcusable and I feel as if i have failed with my place on your council my son has shamed and disgraced our name Strong as well as our house and Harrenhal with his actions of putting his hands on the queen and prince as well as um" He started to stutter

"fucking my daughter and impregnating her with his bastards, I have eyes Lynoel i only never did anything to keep those boys safe to act against Harwin would clarify those who see what is so plainly put in front of them" Viserys said raising a brow

"I dont understand Your Grace" Lynoel started "I am not angry at you, my friend you have done the crown well you are a Honorable man, but your son is to be disbanded from his place on the city watch as commander" Viserys said making the man nod

"Actually I wished to ask if I may take my leave and take Harwin and escort him to Harrenhal he will sit on the seat after me it is time he does his duty as my heir"

"would you come back" Viserys asked he did not wish to see his friend go

"yes your grace i would once i was sure he was capable of being unsupervised"

"very well my friend" Viserys said bring the man into a hug Rosalie doing the same after before they watched him leave most likely to inform his son

"he will be missed" "yes yes he will my sweet rose"


"Mother you wished to speak with me" Helena said approaching her mother who stood in the gardens smelling a flower

"yes I did my sweet walk with me" Rosalie requested holding her arm out for her to take it which she did

"What did you wish to speak about mama"

"well as you know there was a council meeting this morning" Rosalie started and Helena nodded "well Rhaenyra offered a betrothal between you and Jacaerys she offered it to unite our house and put the strife between our families to bed" Rosalie explained and Helena made a confused face

"strife, what strife on your part Rhaenyra has been the one to cause a strife you have treated her with kindness unless provoked you treat her sons as if their your own" Helena spoke making a face which led to Rosalie laughing gently at lay her hand on Helena's cheek

"It matters not what strife she speaks about, the choice is yours and your father and I will support what ever decision you choose, if you say yes then you would be betrothed but not married until you are ten and seven or even older, that way you could become more close with Jacaerys see if you could truly be happy with him if he would treat you the way you deserve" Rosalie spoke softly cradling her face gently

" wouldn't I cause more strife between our families if i agreed to it now then decided later that i do not wish to marry him anymore" Helena questioned "I will do my duty the family mother"

"I will stop you right there my sweet girl your duty to this family is to protect it and care for it marriage is not a duty you will have you will marry for love or you could never marry if that is what you wish" Rosalie declared but Helena shook her head

"I wish to marry I want a large family like father and you I want to be a mother when I am older" Helena said she had dreamt of being a mother since her own mother showed her the wonders of motherhood with her young siblings

"you do you wish for a family" Rosalie said happy "yes with going to the orphanages and with you showing me the wonders of motherhood it has made me desire children when I am older"

Rosalie smiled and kissed Helena head "I wish to think about it mother about the betrothal"

"of course my sweet girl take your time" Rosalie responded before Helena's attention was taken by a beautiful monarch butterfly


"Be good to your mother lads I will visit when I can, But that may be some time" Harwin said standing in front of his three sons and Rhaenyra who looked angered by his unexpected leave but she knew who was the cause of it that whore who slept by her father at night

"I will be a stranger by then though" Harwin muttered looking at the three young boys two who could remember him and one who would probably never know him he brought Jace into a tight hug then Luke

"Princess" Harwin said " you should not have to leave" Rhaenyra said angry

"I laid my hands on two royal family members then nearly killed a royal guard, the whispers about you and I with those boys all of this led to this moment dear" he said but Rhaenyra shook her head

"no it is that whore who desires my throne"

"and she will not succeed in taking such thing I promise you that" muttered against her cheek making her smirk and nod

"Is Harwin Strong my father am I a bastard" Jace questioned as he saw the man leave the room

"you are a Targaryen that is all that matter Jace do not say such things again" Rhaenyra warned making him nod quickly


My Sweet Rose: Viserys Targaryen Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang