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"Sister what are you so happy about" Rosalie asked with a teasing smile as Alicent walked into her room with a beaming smile "Something may of happened today" Alicent said as she sat down next to her little sister "oh and what would that be" Rosalie countered

"Daemon confessed his feeling for me romantic feelings and asked to court me" Alicent blurted out making Rosalie squeal in excitement "oh this is great you two are going to have such cute babies oh and i can tell he loves you and I am so happy for you" Rosalie responded making Alicent thank her as she though about the man she had surprisingly grown to love and care for deeply

the two hightower sisters talk for the next few hours before Rosalie stood up quickly rushing to throw up in a trash bin making Alicent rush after her

"are you alright sister shall i get the Maester" Alicent asked concern shining through her voice

"no I am fine truly sister it is just the babe" Rosalie said watching as the excitement take over her face "you are having another babe" Alicent asked excitedly "yes I plan on telling Viserys later when he comes back I found out earlier today" Rosalie said just then the door opened and Viserys walked in with a large smile

"Alicent I just heard of the news of a courtship and a marriage between you and my brother I am so happy for you to truly you have helped him in so many way Congratulations" he said hugging Alicent making her smile an thank him before she winked at her sister and announced she was going to bed

"how was your day my love" Rosalie asked as she got under the covers with a book in her hand like she does every night "it was good my sweet rose got work done signed paperwork and other things kind of just a boring day today" Viserys said as he got into bed sitting down next to her "how was your day my dear" he asked her as she leaned down on his chest playing with his hand

"it was good I went over the fundings with everything in flea bottom and planned a visit to the orphanages in a weeks time I have winter cloths for them I played with Aegon and he is adamant on telling everyone he is four years old" she said giggling slightly as Viserys chuckled "Roan has been walking well as he is reaching for everything shining and Helena just wishes to play with my hair and not be away from me it warms my heart" Rosalie said as she smiled her sons were four and two and her sweet daughter was two they were growing to quickly

" Aegon said you were sick today" Viserys stated concern in his voice as he watched his wife take a deep breathe and place her hand on her stomach something he knew she did when she felt nauseas

"I wasn't sick today I just threw up after our carriage ride to the Dragon pits" "you have been throwing a lot my dear wife please the Maester" Viserys begged he couldn't think of loosing his wife

"I did my love I did he said it was perfectly fine and normal it is just my body going through the pregnancy" Rosalie said as she sat up looking at him "ok good good -wait pregnancy your with child again" Viserys stammered looking excited

"we did it my love I am with child again our family is growing more" Rosalie said grabbing his hand kissing it as he laughed in glee

"oh my love thank you my dear wife you have made me so happy" Viserys said gently tackling her making her laugh out loud as he kissed her face before letting her sit up as she rested her back against the pillows as he leaned down to her stomach

"hello my dear child I am so happy to hear about you and know that i love you very much" he whispered against her stomach making her tear up

"i want a girl" he declared "oh do you?" Rosalie responded "I do I want a girl with your bright blue eyes and dark brunette locks of hair" he said making her smile

"That would be lovely" "it would be lovely"


just a small chapter will have longer ones soon

My Sweet Rose: Viserys Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now