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Six years had passed since Aegon was named Heir and no word was heard from Rhaenyra or anyone on Dragonstone, except twice to announce the new arrival of Rhaenyra sons she gave birth to


"Mother I was wondering if you would like to join me and the children for lunch in my chambers" Helena said as she approached her mother in the hall who smiled "I would love to my sweet girl," Rosalie answered before looking at her daughters pregnant stomach

"how are you feeling and how is the little one" Rosalie asked making Helena smile and look down as she rubbed her lower stomach she was five moons along and was a little larger than normal

"I am ok and the babes are as well" Helena answered "you believe you are having more than one" Rosalie asked her smile getting bigger making her daughter giggle and nod

"i felt this way with Jaehaerys and Jaehaera I was a little bigger than normal and had more mood swings which I think Cregan has been trying to avoid so he brings me cookies each time he see me" Helena said making Rosalie laugh

"your father use to do that for me chocolate chip cookies he would give me one before I could go on a hormonal rant" Rosalie commented smiling sadly as she thought of those moments between her husband and her

"how is father, I have not seen him in a few day it gets hard to see him in such a condition" Helena said softly feeling guilty "he is in pain, always tired but he is fighting and is thankful for the support of his family" Rosalie answered placing a kiss on her daughters cheek making her smile

"did you hear of Sierra and Roans news" Helena asked wishing to take her mothers attention from her dying father which worked when her mother smiled again

"that they are expecting their first child in eight moon or so yes I did and I am so excited I am going to be a Grandmother again" Rosalie exclaimed in excitement

her children were doing well Helena and Roan married the Stark siblings a few months apart four years ago Helena had gotten pregnant very soon after their wedding where she birthed twins and now is pregnant again Roan and Sierra traveled for a year and spent time in Winterfell before they settled in Kings landing and just now began trying for children which they succeeded in as Sierra is with their first child

Her eldest Aegon went on a tour around the realm a few months after being named heir and met a sweet girl Cassie Lannister niece to Lord Jason Lannister when they met Aegon was immediately taken with her and wrote about it to his mother who encouraged him to get to know her better she was ten and five where he was ten and six so they waited a year and took that time to get more acquainted with each other

and since they married they had welcomed three children into the world so far two sons named Viserys and Arik after his father and her brother and a baby girl Rose after his mother as Aegon wanted to honor his parents and Cassie wished to honor her brother

her younger children Aemond, Enora, Allora and Darren were neither betrothed or married and she was fine with that there was no hurry and she made sure they knew that

"well I am going to go check on you father but I will meet you in your chambers ok my sweet girl" Rosalie stated not leaving until her daughter nodded and began walking to her own chambers to make sure lunch would be properly set up

Rosalie made her way to her shared chambers where Viserys was most of his time, this last year the illness took a big turn, the Maester and herself tried everything but nothing seemed to work it hurt her to see her love sick and in bed but she was happy and relived he was alive and was his usal self as much as he could be

she entered her chambers quietly looking to the bed seeing the Maester their and Viserys awake "how is he faring Maester" she asked approaching them "he is as well as he can be my queen still in pain and getting weaker" was the answer she received making her sigh and nod listening to him leave

My Sweet Rose: Viserys Targaryenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن