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Otto stood in the council room with Viserys waiting for Rosalie "is everything ok my friend" Viserys asked coughing slightly

"yes Viserys I just need to speak with you and Rosalie" otto replied before looking at the door seeing Rosalie walk in he bowed making her smile cause no matter how many times she had told him not to bow to her when in private he still did a sign of respect

"Father what is you wished to speak about" Rosalie asked before placing a kiss on her husbands cheek and sitting down

Otto sighed before sitting down himself "I wish to step down as your hand your grace" Otto said confusing both the king and queen

"what" Viserys asked sitting up straighter in his chair

"i met a lady back home in Old town and wish to settle with her she herself is a widow and I have done this job as your hand for more than twenty five years I think it is time i step down start a new chapter" Otto expressed

"you met someone" Rosalie repeated "is she nice does she make you happy" she asked after he nodded "she is and does my little flower" otto replied making her smile gently "you have my permission father"

"you have mine as well my friend I wish you well" Viserys said standing up to hug his dearest friend

"thank you Viserys" otto whispered as they embraced each other

"will you be staying here or leaving to oldtown"

"here if that is alright, she has no family there and i wish to stay near mine"

"of course its alright" "very well I must go speak with Alicent then" otto said before leaving the room

"are you alright my love" Viserys asked his wife "i wish for my father to be happy i just hope he never forgets my mother"

"he wouldn't he loved your mother dearly" Viserys spoke softly comforting his wife who smiled gently at him

"I know now who will be your new hand" she asked to which he thought on it for a moment before deciding

"daemon will be, he will do well with the position and responsibilities" Viserys said firmly believing it "that he will, he may be a little cocky about it but he will do well" Rosalie commented making him laugh before falling into a coughing fit spitting blood into a handkerchief

"let us get you in bed you have exhausted your self the last few week my love" she said making him nod and allow her to guide him to their chambers

"i wish to speak with daemon" Viserys said as he laid back in their bed watching her cover him up and fluff pillows on the bed

"I will call for him do not worry" she replied kissing his head before leaving to call for her brother by law who was just outside approaching her door

"Viserys wishes to speak you daemon" "huh Alicent wished to speak with you" daemon said with his all to familiar smirk making her laugh

"very well then enjoy" "you as well Rose she has been ranting about your fathers new lover for the last ten minutes" Dameon shouted after her before going into his brothers chambers

"you look like shit" Daemon commented making Viserys chuckle despite the immense pain it brought him

"ha aren't you sweet"

"so I have been told" daemon joked

"otto stepped down as hand he found someone and wishes to be done with the duties as kings hand so I must name a new hand" Viserys explained loosing his breath as he talked

"you do have in mind" Daemon asked looking down at the floor hating to see his brother like this

"you brother if you will accept my offer of course" Viserys said shocking him as he expected some lord

My Sweet Rose: Viserys Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now