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(Alicent's dress and hair for the wedding)

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(Alicent's dress and hair for the wedding)


all of the Lords and Ladies of the realm were once again at the Red Keep to celebrate the wedding of Prince Daemon and Lady Alicent Rosalie was running around the castel to make sure everything was going as planned

"my little flower why dont you go check on your sister and help her get ready I have all of the details of how things should be I will finish up here i am sure Alicent could use your presence" Otto said as he rubbed Rosalie's shoulder making her nod and hand him the list she and Alicent made

"thank you father" she said kissing his cheek before making her to the other side of the castle towards Alicent's room "sister can I come in" Rosalie called out as she knocked on the door "are you alright" she asked hearing something fall over and murmurs

"um yes yes I am fine give me a moment Rosalie" Alicent called out while looking panicky as she tossed Daemons shirt at him shoving him under her bed as he chuckled rolling under there she looked at herself in the mirror making sure she is looking proper "Alicent can I come in now" Rosalie asked again getting a little worried

"yes you can" Alicent said opening the door awkwardly as she looked slightly flushed "are you alright" Rosalie asked looking at her

"yes I am fine come on in what can I do for you did something go wrong oh I new something was going to go wrong" Alicent rambled slightly panicking "nothing has gone wrong sister nothing everything is going fine I just came to come help you get ready"

"oh ok good good very well" Alicent replied looking around the room nervously which Rosalie noticed

"well why dont you sit down and I can start your hair" Rosalie offered making Alicent smile and nod walking over to her vanity sitting down letting Rosalie stand behind her as she grabbed her brush separating her hair in two parts "are you nervous" Rosalie asked as she started brushing the first part of her hair

"yes but I am happy and excited I am marrying the man I love" Alicent said smiling at her sister through the mirror making Rosalie smile back "well it is perfectly normal to be afraid and nervous but just know you have nothing to worry about the only thing you might worry about is when you two celebrate your marriage tonight by bedding each other" Rosalie explained to Alicent making her cheeks go fire red

"please Rosalie stop talking" Alicent begged in desperation she did want to know the things her little sister could tell as she was married herself but her soon to be husband was under her bed jus a few feet away

"right of course" Rosalie said with a knowing glint which Alicent had seen many times when shes around her kids it's the look of I know what's happening don't lie to me "Daemon you can come out now" Rosalie said loudly before t went silent for a moment until daemon was heard chuckling as he rolled out from the bed

"told you she would know" Alicent said making him nod in defeat "honestly you two are fools if you thought you could hide this from me well you out now Viserys will be looking for you soon" Rosalie told the both of them before shooing him out

"now back to your hair sister" Rosalie said turning her attention to her bright red sister it was quite for a few moments before Alicent broke the silence "Rosalie how did your wedding night go i am afraid of disappointing daemon i have never been with a man and now ell i will be with him" Alicent expressed herself making Rosalie nod

"that is completely normal to feel Ali i was so nervous on my wedding night i was practically shaking but Viserys knew i was inexperience and took it slow at first introducing me to the pleasure between man and women and i know daemon will do the same just tell him your nervous and he will help i assure you sister" after hearing Rosalie she felt better and more calm "thank you sister"


"how are you feeling brother" Viserys asked as he watched daemon fidget Infront of the mirror "i am nervous but feel good in an hour Alicent will be mine forever" daemon boasted feeling like he was the luckiest man in the world " i am happy for you brother" Viserys said he truly was happy for him he finally got his little brother back


"Alicent its time" otto said as he looked at his daughter who was standing in a beautiful dress in the middle of her room "ok well we should go then" Alicent relied nervously making him smile before she took the arm he was offering as they walked to the throne room just waiting for the signal to enter

"dont let me trip father" "never my dear i know i have been ruff on you and i just want you to know how proud i am of you and how happy i am for you" "thank you dad" Alicent said tearing up as he placed a kiss on her head "lets go get you married" otto said after seeing the guard nod telling him their ready "hell yah"

Alicent locked eyes with Daemon as they began walking and instantly smiled brighter and it warmed every ones hearts to see as the two reached the end of the isle otto kissed her forehead before giving her hand to Daemons nodding at him Daemon immediately was welcomed by the smell of lavender and mint he kissed her hand bowing to her before they walked up the stairs taking their place Infront of everyone in the room beginning the ceremony

they held hands facing each the lords and ladies that filled the room "We stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness he union of man and wife. One flesh, One heart, One soul now and forever" the septon announces to everyone in the throne room

the septon ties a knot in the ribbon around their joined hands symbolizing their union "Let it be known that Daemon of House Targaryen and Alicent of house Hightower is one heart, one flesh, one soul, curse be he who would seek to tear them asunder" the septon announces "in the sight of the seven i hereby seal these two souls binding then as one for eternity"

"look upon each other and say the words" the septon commands the two making them face each other ready to recite their vows "Father, Smith Maiden, Crone, Stranger" they repeated after the septon

"i am his, i am hers he is mine, she is mine from this day until the end of my day" they recited together neither of them could keep the smiles from their faces as they looked at each other

"you may now cloak the bride with your protection" the septon told Daemon making him step closer to her and untie her cloak that represents her place in house Hightower and pull it off handing it Rosalie before grabbing his cloak from Viserys placing it on her showing the realm that Alicent Hightower is now apart of House Targaryen as wife and Princess under his protection

"with this kiss i pledge my love" they both said sliding their rings on before Daemon grabbed her face and kissed her hard making nearly everyone cheer while Rhaenyra glared at them


should i do smut next chapter for their wedding night?

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