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Rosalie woke up to someone knocking on her door, making her groan. "What do you want, Callum?" she yelled, sitting up.

"Not Callum, little flower." She heard a muffled voice call through the door, making her jump out of bed and rush to her door, opening it.

"Father! Come in," she said, seeing her father, Otto, standing in the hall.

"Thank you, my little flower." Otto said, walking into the room.

"Morning, Ser Callum," she greeted her guard, who smiled at her.

"Good morning, Rosalie," he greeted her back before she closed her door, turning back to her father.

"My apologies for waking you up, but you had mentioned you wanted me to see your dress for the tourney," he said, kissing her forehead before sitting down on a chair in her room.

"Oh, of course, let me get them," she replied before rushing into her closet, excited to show her father the dresses she had worked hard on over the last few months.

"Rosalie, where are your handmaidens? I asked Ser Callum to call for them, but he said they were released from your service. Why is that?" Otto questioned his daughter, raising a brow as she exited her wardrobe.

"Oh, Princess Rhaenyra ordered no handmaids to help me; she said that I should not traumatize any maids with my body," she replied, tearing up slightly as she recalled the event.

"My dear, I will have the princess dealt with and ignore her hateful words. You are stunning. I have had marriage offers from men who have never met you but have heard of your beauty and kindness. Rhaenyra says that out of jealousy, so ignore her and show me the dress," Otto replied, hiding his anger as he got up from his chair to hug his poor flower.

"Thank you, Father," she whispered, kissing his cheek.

"Of course, now please," he said, gesturing to the dresses.

"Very well, so I made it. I want to make an impression on all of the noble houses and the King," she said while laying out two dresses. She had worked months on making him smile, clearly impressed by the two dresses.

"These are gorgeous, my dear; your talent always amazes me." Otto voiced his opinion, making her blush.

"Thank you, Father. Now which one should I wear?"

Otto sighed, thinking about it, his eyes darting between the two dresses.

"How will you be wearing your hair?"

"Lori will be doing it, and I want it half up and half down, so she probably will braid it and curl it as well."

"The pink one definitely. The blue one should be worn on a simpler day."

"Okay, thank you, papa," she said, kissing his cheek before taking the blue dress back to her closet.

Her Hair and Dress

Her Hair and Dress

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