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Princess Rhaenyra King Viserys your father has passed away earlier today, I am writing to inform you of this tragedy that has hurt us all I know we have had many differences and many issues in the past but he is still your father and you should be able to properly say goodbye to him his funeral will be tomorrow evening i do hope you will come and pay your respects

- Sincerely Queen Rosalie

"That Hightower Whore dares to call her self Queen still and now she takes my throne and gives it to her son she does not' want me their to say goodbye to my father she wants me their to bend the knee and say that her bastard of a child Aegon is King like hell I will" Rhaenyra ranted to Harwin throwing the letter she had just received down onto the table

"they will not succeed in their treasonous plot Rhaenyra I promise that you will sit the throne and our sons will sit on it after you even if I have to kill them all" Harwin declared not knowing their two eldest boys were listening from around the corner

"I will burn Kingslanding to the ground before I let those traitors win because that is my throne and they will pay for all they have done to me and our sons" Rhaenyra yelled before looking to the door where Jace walked in

"Mother is everything ok" he asked despite already knowing what had happened "Your Grandfather is dead I have no doubt they poisoned him" Rhaenyra answered making him pull a face

"why do you say that" he asked "because she poisoned my own father against me Rosalie Hightower is nothing but a power hungry whore who has taken everything from me" Rhaenyra countered before storming out of the room Harwin following her

"what are we going to do" Luke asked as he walked into the room and towards his brother who sighed as he read the letter his grandmother sent

"we leave to Kings landing" he answered

"what" Lucereys asked shocked

"we leave to kinglanding Rhaenyra and Harwin will try and get supporters to their so called claim she will send us we will agree and take our brothers to kingslanding"

"how would we every be able to get our brothers and go to Kingslanding" Luke asked stepping closer to Jace who sighed

"Maria the maid who takes care of our brothers, Enora told me that Grandmother and Grandfather placed her here to watch over us she will help us we will leave on dragon and loop around Dragonstone meeting her on the other side where we will take them I will fly with Aegon, and Joffrey you will fly with Viserys since Arrax is still smaller and can not handle to much weight"

"that sound good" Luke agreed before asking "is it ok that I am feeling guilty"

"what do you mean Brother" Jace asked sitting down at the tablewatching his brother who looked nervous

"I feel guilty like I am betraying our mother and father in some way and I hate feeling that way but their our parents they love us dont they and mother is a good mother to us maybe she just needs to realize Grandmother is not out to get her that we can live in peace here on Dragonstone"

"she WAS a good mother Luke until we did something she did not agree with, she yelled and practically abandoned us when we felt guilty for taking our Uncles eye and she hasn't been a mother to any of us she put us in danger by having a love affair with Harwin he may be our birth father but Laenor was our actual father Harwin has done nothing for us since we were young the only thing he has done is kill our father Laenor and knock up Mother"

"I guess your right Laenor was our true parent regardless of blood we are Velaryon's not strong's" Luke said before leaving the room needing to think


"you called for us mother" Jace stated as he and Luke walked into the Council room where his mother, father and a few loyal knights stood around the table which showed all the houses in the realm

"yes I did you two are old enough to be apart of this and we need all the power and dragons we can get on our side" Rhaenyra stated

"dragons, our side what do you speak of mother" Luke asked looking at his brother confused, confused on why they were asked to come to the council room and why their mother was talking about power and sides but he just received a shrug

"we are going to take kingslanding back and get your mother her throne" Harwin replied

"what" they yelled together

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