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"You spend more time in that bath than I do on the throne," Viserys told his wife as he came into their room seeing she was soaking in the tub her large pregnant belly sticking out of the water she sighed as she looked up to her husband as he kneeled at the side of the tub

"This is the only place I can find comfort in these days" she responded as Viserys ran his fingers over the water

"It's hot enough," he said sarcastically feeling the barely warm water

"It is as warm as the maester will allow" the queen responded rolling her eyes she was annoyed with the maester

"Don't they know dragons prefer heat?" Viserys joked with an amused grin making her scoff a laugh

"Hm after this miserable pregnancy I wouldn't be surprised if I hatched an actual dragon," Aemma told him making him laugh nodding

"Then it will be loved and cherished" he assured her softly

"Rhaenyra has already declared that she is to have a sister," Aemma told him as she looked up at him sliding further down the tub

"Really?" Viserys said trying to hide the edge from his voice he needed a son not another daughter it had to be a son he needed an heir

"She even named her" she continued

"Dare I ask?" was his hesitant response

"Visenya" Aemma told him smiling and he chuckled "She chose a dragon's egg for the cradle that she said reminded her of Vhagar"

"Gods be good this family already has its Visyena," he said thinking of his crazy daughter

"Has there been any word from you brother?" Aemma asked looking down and running her fingers over the edge of the tub

"Not since I named him Commander of the City Watch but a guard reported to me that he saw him here in the castle today, he could never stay away from the lists," Viseryes told her making her nod

"Where in the castle"? she questioned him

" He said that he saw him in the throne room talking to Rhaenyra he spoke something about winning the Tourney" he answered

"The Tourney to celebrate the firstborn son that we presently do not have" Aemma reminded him stiffly

" You do understand nothing will cause this babe to grow a cock if it does not possess one already?" she asked sighing as she shook her head she didn't want her husband to get his hopes up only for her to disappoint him and the realm once again she was tired

"The child is a boy, Aemma I am certain of it, I have never been more certain of anything. The dream it was clearer that a memory it was of our son who was born wearing Aegon's crown when I heard the sound of thundering hooves splintering shields and ringing swords and I placed our son upon the Iron Throne as the Grand Septa tolled and all dragons roared as one" Viserys said grabbing her hand

"Born wearing a crown? Gods spare me birth is unpleasant enough as it is" Aemma told him

"this is the last time Viserys I have lost one babe in the cradle had two stillbirths two pregnancies that ended well before their term that's five in twice as many years I know it's my duty to provide you an heir and I am sorry if I have failed you but I am done I have mourned all the dead that I can," she told him she couldn't lose another child she couldn't handle the pain

"I understand Aemma I am sorry for pushing you through pregnancy after pregnancy," he said nodding his head

"I love you Viserys and I understand the stress the council and realm has placed on your shoulder about you needed a male heir needing a son but I can not do this anymore" she said making him nod

"I love you Aemma," he said kissing her head

"I wish to talk about something," he said after a moment making her nod

"What is it," she asked intrigued

" Rhaenyra said in front of the council that Otto's youngest daughter Lady Rosalie was being disrespectful to her and I was told by her guard what she said and that is was said in front of you and I wanted to make sure it is the truth" he explained making her nod

"Lady Rosalie is nothing but a sweet girl and she was not disrespectful to our daughter in any way if anyone was disrespectful it was Rhaenyra she lied to the poor girl to ride that beast of hers making lady Rosalie rush throughout the whole castle to find her she was flustered when she finally found her in my chambers all she did was kindly put Rhaenyra in her place," Aemma said kissing hand

"Very well I will make sure that does not continue I should speak with her then Otto" Viserys said making her smile

"Good Rhaenyra needs to understand she can not walk all over someone just because she is the daughter of the king and queen it matters not that she is a princess she must treat people respectfully," Aemma told him sternly

"I understand my dear I do" he assured her


"Did you read it" Alicent questioned the princess who's head laid on her lap looking at the sky and leaves of the tree they sat under

"Rhaenyra" Alicent roared snapping the girl out of her daydream

"What" she questioned confused "Did you read it" Alicent asked again gesturing to the book she was holding

" Of course I read it" Rhaenyra answered

" When princess Nymeria arrived in Dorne who did she take to husband," Alicent asked not believing she read it

" A man" Rhaenyra answered completely bored she didn't understand why she needed to know these things

"What was his name Rhaenyra" Alicent pushed for a proper answer

"Lord something," Rhaenyra said shrugging

"if you answer with lord something the septa will be furious"

" She is funny when she is furious" Rhaenyra countered

"Maybe but it is not fun when you get more homework that you complain about," Alicent said making her shrug

"I am the princess I do not need to do what she says," Rhaenyra told her only to receive an eye roll from her friend

My Sweet Rose: Viserys Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now